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Whether you're a seasoned aficionado, a curious novice, or somewhere in between, joining a cigar club can significantly elevate your cigar experience. The surge in popularity of cigar clubs in recent years has introduced a variety of exciting options to the market. Being part of a cigar club allows you to enjoy these premium cigars at a discounted price compared to purchasing them individually.
But, a premium cigar club goes beyond just delivering cigars; they provide detailed information about each unique selection and its manufacturer. On top of that, the best cigar clubs offer flexibility, allowing you to tailor your membership to your preferences in terms of cigar types or shipment frequency. As the popularity of cigar clubs continues to grow, competition among them is fierce, so it's essential to be an informed consumer before making a decision.
Monday, October 14th
The Premium Cigar of the Month Club, owned by Monthly Clubs, offers two distinctive cigar clubs with monthly deliveries. Customers can explore a range of premium cigars, including those from boutique manufacturers. What sets this club apart is its dedication to delivering high-quality cigars, with a panel of tobacconists evaluating over 200 cigars each week. The website's user-friendly interface and a 100% satisfaction guarantee add to its appeal. With top ratings from the BBB and an emphasis on quality, the Premium Cigar of the Month Club emerges as a top-rated choice for cigar enthusiasts seeking variety and expertise in their membership.
The Rare Cigar Club is the second subscription in our review offered by Monthly Clubs, in operation since 1994. The Rare Cigar Club is known for its superior quality, overseen by tobacconists who assess rare cigars on a weekly basis. The website's user-friendly design and complete satisfaction guarantee contribute to its appeal. It sits in second place only because its sister club was a little less expensive, but with high ratings from the BBB and a strong focus on quality, Rare Cigar Club stands out as a top-tier option.
Owned by Clubs of America, the Cigar of the Month Club delivers curated cigars from renowned global tobacco-producing regions. Beyond cigars, Clubs of America offers various membership options, including coffee, chocolate, and beer clubs. With a focus on premium hand-rolled cigars, this particular club offers customization for monthly shipments and includes an informative newsletter and complimentary cigar cutter. Customer satisfaction is indicated by an "A+" BBB rating, although specific reviews for the Cigar of the Month Club are limited. Overall, the club's consistency and expertise, and especially the free shipping, earn a strong recommendation from us.
Amazing Clubs is a diverse gift club website founded in 2003, offering tons of different "Of the Month" club options. It's a convenient spot for customers looking to give club memberships as gifts. The Cigar of the Month Club for cigar enthusiasts is a great subscription service. It provides a monthly selection of top-quality cigars sourced globally by the Amazing Clubs tobacco experts. While the cluttered website design could be improved, Amazing Clubs boasts an "A+" BBB rating and a 3.8-star average across reviews. Given these standout features, the company easily gets a high rating from us and is great for a one-stop shop if you want club variety.
Holt's Cigar Company stands out as the most minimalist cigar club in this review. They offer the Holt's Cigar of the Month Club with a single month-to-month option for $29.95. In-person shoppers gave positive reviews, but online users rated the company lower. Although the club is basic, it's budget-friendly and holds an "A+" BBB rating, making it a decent company for those seeking affordability. Balancing the mixed reviews and low customizability with the low price and discounts, Holt's Cigar Company earns just above average rating from us.
Thompson Cigar holds the distinction of being the oldest mail-order cigar company in the U.S. Despite its century-long legacy (or maybe because of it?), the website design appears outdated, and its Cigar Tour Sampler of the Month Club offers only a mid-level option for enthusiasts seeking diverse flavors. While Thompson Cigar holds an "A-" BBB rating, its customer service and low ratings on platforms like Trustpilot suggest a poor customer experience overall. With these things considered, the service only earns a mid-level rating among cigar clubs on our list.
Gotham Cigar Club, established in 2001, offers a diverse range of cigars via monthly deliveries of five curated premium selections with accompanying newsletters. The website's design feels outdated, and while the Cigar Club has multiple pricing tiers, confusion arises due to differing prices between similar tiers. Despite an "A+" BBB rating, there's limited customer buzz and reviews, making it challenging for potential members to gauge the service's quality. The absence of transparency in its selection process and limited delivery frequency options contribute to Gotham Cigar Club's lower rating compared to rivals in our evaluation.
Cigars International used to have a reputation for quality hand-rolled cigars from esteemed regions, including exclusive and rare options. While this company still offers some great features like free shipping and members-only discounts, recent customer reviews suggest declining service quality, indicating it might be wise to explore other providers before making a decision. For this reason, Cigars International gets a lower rating from us.
JR Cigar offers a modern and tech-savvy experience with QR codes and a mobile app. Founded in 1997, it provides a wide range of cigars and accessories for both experienced enthusiasts and newcomers. Despite its sleek features, the company has received poor reviews and an "F" rating from the BBB, raising concerns about its customer service and reliability. While JR Cigar has some good features, the poor reviews and "F” rating really bring the quality down - as well as its ranking among competing cigar clubs.
Southern Cigar Company was founded to simplify cigar shopping, offering novel cigars to customers across the globe. However, lacking detailed product information, the company won't stand out to cigar enthusiasts seeking in-depth descriptions or details that highlight how the cigars were sourced. With limited membership options ranging from month-to-month to 6-month commitments, Southern Cigar Company just doesn't stand out. For these reasons, it sits as our last-place choice for cigar clubs.
Cigars continue to be valued for their complex flavors, aromas, and the sense of relaxation and luxury they offer during leisurely moments or social gatherings. The United States stands as one of the largest consumers of cigars worldwide, contributing significantly to global cigar sales. When it comes to cigar production, the Dominican Republic, Nicaragua, and Honduras lead the way, renowned for their expertise in crafting high-quality premium cigars.
Cigars come in two main types: premium hand-rolled cigars and machine-made cigars. Premium cigars are often made by skilled artisans, resulting in a superior smoking experience. On the other hand, machine-made cigars are produced using automated processes, allowing for mass production at a more affordable price point. While both types offer unique smoking experiences, a newcomer to the cigar world might not know where to find or try new ones. That's where a cigar club comes into play.
In order to get a taste of the wide variety of cigars, a club offers you a luxury experience and curated cigar choices from all over the world. There's no need to compare top name-brands and limited production labels; the club's experts take care of that for you (or for anyone you want to send a cigar as a gift). Plus, the convenience offered by top cigar clubs is unparalleled. Instead of tirelessly searching for cigars from different regions around the world, the club will deliver a curated selection right to your doorstep.
When selecting the right cigar club for you, it's important to check out their best features. If you're not sure where to start, we've made a quick list for you to help you narrow down your best options:
Top Consumer Reviews has searched out the best cigar clubs out there and ranked them for you, so you can sit back, relax, and enjoy your first (or favorite) cigar. So whether you'd like a Robusto, Toro, Churchill, or Corona, or maybe you'd like to try them all, we hope this information helps you select the best Cigar Club for your smoking experience.
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