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Sunday, September 15th
Amazing Clubs is a diverse gift club website founded in 2003, offering tons of different "Of the Month" club options. It's a convenient spot for customers looking to give club memberships as gifts. The Cigar of the Month Club for cigar enthusiasts is a great subscription service. It provides a monthly selection of top-quality cigars sourced globally by the Amazing Clubs tobacco experts. While the cluttered website design could be improved, Amazing Clubs boasts an "A+" BBB rating and a 3.8-star average across reviews. Given these standout features, the company easily gets a high rating from us and is great for a one-stop shop if you want club variety.
Southern Cigar Company was founded to simplify cigar shopping, offering novel cigars to customers across the globe. However, lacking detailed product information, the company won't stand out to cigar enthusiasts seeking in-depth descriptions or details that highlight how the cigars were sourced. With limited membership options ranging from month-to-month to 6-month commitments, Southern Cigar Company just doesn't stand out. For these reasons, it sits as our last-place choice for cigar clubs.
Whether you're a seasoned aficionado, a curious novice, or somewhere in between, joining a cigar club can significantly elevate your cigar experience. The surge in popularity of cigar clubs in recent years has introduced a variety of exciting options to the market. Being part of a cigar club allows you to enjoy these premium cigars at a discounted price compared to purchasing them individually.
But, a premium cigar club goes beyond just delivering cigars; they provide detailed information about each unique selection and its manufacturer. On top of that, the best cigar clubs offer flexibility, allowing you to tailor your membership to your preferences in terms of cigar types or shipment frequency. As the popularity of cigar clubs continues to grow, competition among them is fierce, so it's essential to be an informed consumer before making a decision.
Cigars continue to be valued for their complex flavors, aromas, and the sense of relaxation and luxury they offer during leisurely moments or social gatherings. The United States stands as one of the largest consumers of cigars worldwide, contributing significantly to global cigar sales. When it comes to cigar production, the Dominican Republic, Nicaragua, and Honduras lead the way, renowned for their expertise in crafting high-quality premium cigars.
Cigars come in two main types: premium hand-rolled cigars and machine-made cigars. Premium cigars are often made by skilled artisans, resulting in a superior smoking experience. On the other hand, machine-made cigars are produced using automated processes, allowing for mass production at a more affordable price point. While both types offer unique smoking experiences, a newcomer to the cigar world might not know where to find or try new ones. That's where a cigar club comes into play.
In order to get a taste of the wide variety of cigars, a club offers you a luxury experience and curated cigar choices from all over the world. There's no need to compare top name-brands and limited production labels; the club's experts take care of that for you (or for anyone you want to send a cigar as a gift). Plus, the convenience offered by top cigar clubs is unparalleled. Instead of tirelessly searching for cigars from different regions around the world, the club will deliver a curated selection right to your doorstep.
When selecting the right cigar club for you, it's important to check out their best features. If you're not sure where to start, we've made a quick list for you to help you narrow down your best options:
Top Consumer Reviews has searched out the best cigar clubs out there and ranked them for you, so you can sit back, relax, and enjoy your first (or favorite) cigar. So whether you'd like a Robusto, Toro, Churchill, or Corona, or maybe you'd like to try them all, we hope this information helps you select the best Cigar Club for your smoking experience.
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