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Whether you're a seasoned aficionado, a curious novice, or somewhere in between, joining a cigar club can significantly elevate your cigar experience. The surge in popularity of cigar clubs in recent years has introduced a variety of exciting options to the market. Being part of a cigar club allows you to enjoy these premium cigars at a discounted price compared to purchasing them individually.
But, a premium cigar club goes beyond just delivering cigars; they provide detailed information about each unique selection and its manufacturer. On top of that, the best cigar clubs offer flexibility, allowing you to tailor your membership to your preferences in terms of cigar types or shipment frequency. As the popularity of cigar clubs continues to grow, competition among them is fierce, so it's essential to be an informed consumer before making a decision.
Monday, October 14th
The Premium Cigar of the Month Club is one of two cigar clubs owned by Monthly Clubs Inc. The company, which opened back in 1994, started with the Premium Cigar of the Month Club, which will be the focus of this review (the sister club, Rare Cigar Club, can be found on our list as well).
All premium cigars here
At the Premium Cigar of the Month Club, customers can explore a selection of premium and limited-production cigars. This includes cigars from boutique manufacturers like Alec Bradley and Carlos Toraño, as well as highly-rated, super-premium brands such as Graycliff, AVO, and Cohiba. The Premium Cigar of the Month Club's name speaks volumes about its offerings, clearly indicating the essence of the club's focus. Among the various cigar clubs available today, the Original Premium Cigar Club from this provider stands out for several compelling reasons, including the fact that all their cigars are hand-rolled, setting it apart as a top choice for cigar lovers who want both quality and variety in their membership.
Expert panel selects the cigars
One of the most notable aspects of this club is the unwavering commitment to delivering high-quality cigars in each shipment. This commitment is demonstrated by Monthly Clubs' panel of nine experienced tobacconists, who meticulously evaluate over 200 cigars on a weekly basis. The expert panel of tobacconists invests nearly half of their working year on-site in key cigar-producing regions like Nicaragua and the Dominican Republic.
Only the top 5% of cigars are shipped
This level of involvement not only elevates the club's offerings but also underscores its distinguished standing in the realm of cigar clubs. These experts employ their refined senses to assess factors like aroma and flavor profiles, ensuring that only the finest cigars make their way to subscribers. According to the website, only 5% of the evaluated cigars meet the club's standards and are deemed worthy of reaching the discerning palates of its members.
Tons of options for setting up your club
There are plenty of plan options to choose from with this service. First, you need to choose the Original Premium Cigar Club which grants members 5 cigars per month from top manufacturers. This option costs $32.95 per month up to $445.40 for a 12-month prepaid membership. For each package, you can expect to pay $5 in shipping costs, but each shipment arrives with a reusable humidification device, ensuring that the cigars remain impeccably fresh and primed for a delightful smoking experience.
Site offers premium shopping experience
The website for Premium Cigar of the Month Club is super easy to navigate and has a timeless feel. It definitely gives the impression of a premium cigar-shopping experience. With key details about the club available in bullet points, you can easily see exactly what you're buying at a glance. Further, there are tons of pricing options that are easy to scroll through depending on how often you want to receive cigars or gift them to others.
100% satisfaction guarantee
One thing we love about Premium Cigar of the Month Club is their 100% satisfaction guarantee. This guarantee ensures that every cigar you purchase from The Premium Cigar of the Month Club meets your high standards. If it doesn't (for any reason), the company will replace the shipment or completely refund you for the purchase.
Top scores from the BBB
Since Premium Cigar of the Month Club is one of many items offered by the Monthly Clubs company, we needed to check out the reputation of the parent company. Monthly Clubs has a stellar rating of "A+” from the Better Business Bureau. On top of that, the company has been fully accredited by the BBB since 2005. While there aren't many third-party reviews out there, there are tons of 5-star reviews available on the Monthly Clubs website showing happy customers who have purchased the Premium Cigar of the Month Club. Customers who left reviews praised the ease of setting up a subscription and loved the quality and freshness of the cigars.
Premium cigars and top-rated service
The Original Premium Cigar Club offered by Monthly Club is a complete and balanced choice for cigar enthusiasts. It gives members the freedom to choose how long they want to be part of the club and how often they receive shipments, all while making sure customers get access to well-tested, high-quality cigars without breaking the bank. Because of these great qualities along with a 100% satisfaction guarantee and top ratings from the BBB, the Premium Cigar of the Month Club has received the highest rating from us. If you're looking for a club that combines quality, variety, and expertise, the Original Premium Cigar Club is a fantastic option that promises an amazing cigar experience.
The Rare Cigar Club is under the ownership of Monthly Clubs Inc. and offers monthly deliveries of rare cigars curated by the tobacconists on the Monthly Clubs team. Started in 1994, the cigar clubs by Monthly Clubs are highly popular and allow customers to explore limited-production, rare cigars.
Only rare cigars
The cigars in this club ship from manufacturers including Alec Bradley, Carlos Toraño, Graycliff, AVO, and Cohiba. The most important feature that makes the Rare Cigar Club stand out is that it only ships the rarest options. All the cigars provided by this club are hand-rolled, establishing it as a premier choice for those looking for unique or unusual cigars.
Top 5% of rare cigars
Customers who pick the Rare Cigar Club receive an assortment of exquisitely crafted cigars. These cigars are sourced from boutique manufacturers specializing in super-premium brands from all over the world. The professionals at the Rare Cigar Club only allow the top 5% of all cigars they evaluate to be included, and then, they only focus on the rarest options for this particular club. These cigars are meticulously handcrafted by accomplished artisans hailing from Central and South America, as well as the Caribbean.
Competitive cost
The Rare Cigar Club is characterized by its flexibility, allowing enthusiasts to tailor their membership to align with their preferences. The duration of the membership is entirely customizable, with frequencies ranging from 1 to 12 shipments, all without any auto-renewal commitments. You can get 4 rare cigars in each shipment with prices between $47.95 per month or up to $635.40 if you want to prepay for 12 months. This is a little pricier than the sister option from the same company but prioritizes those rare cigars that might entice members looking for a more nuanced experience.
Premium UI for shopping
The online platform of the Rare Cigar Club offers seamless navigation which customers have praised during their purchase process. You're definitely getting the premium treatment when you shop with Monthly Clubs. The company makes sure that all the essential information is presented in bullet points so you know exactly what you're buying before you sign up. And, even better, the website is super clear and friendly about the prices.
Satisfaction guarantee
A standout feature of the Rare Cigar Club is the unwavering commitment to complete customer satisfaction. The company offers a 100% guarantee that ensures that every cigar you acquire from the Rare Cigar Club aligns with your expectations. In the event you aren't satisfied, the company is ready to either replace the shipment or provide a full refund for your purchase no matter the reason.
"A+” company for rare cigars
Considering that the Rare Cigar Club is just one of the offerings under the Monthly Club company, it was important to check out the reputation of the parent company. Monthly Clubs holds an impressive "A+" rating from the Better Business Bureau and accreditation since 2005. Although external review sites don't have much to say about the Rare Cigar Club, the Monthly Clubs website is flooded with 5-star reviews. Happy customers who have chosen the Rare Cigar Club note that they love the website navigation and definitely feel that the quality and freshness of the cigars meet their expectations for this type of club.
Top option for rare selections
The Rare Cigar Club emerges as a premium option for those who are looking for the utmost luxury and rarity within their cigar experiences. With a 100% satisfaction guarantee along with competitive pricing (even for rare cigars), this club is a standout service with an unparalleled cigar experience. It's not the cheapest out there, so the Rare Cigar Club falls below its sister site in that regard, but it's still a top-rated club for those seeking new experiences in the rare cigar world. The Rare Cigar Club is definitely worth checking out if unique cigars are the way you want to go.
Owned by Clubs of America, the Cigar of the Month Club proudly claims the title of the "Original club, since 1994," showcasing its extensive history of shipping cigars. With over 3 million shipments made, they curate cigars from renowned tobacco-producing regions worldwide, including Honduras, the Canary Islands, the Dominican Republic, and the United States. And, if you're looking for well-rounded gift-giving options, Clubs of America offers a wide variety of clubs in addition to the Cigar of the Month, such as coffee, chocolate, beer, and more.
High-quality sourcing practices
A hallmark of the Cigar of the Month Club lies in its commitment to sourcing premium hand-rolled cigars hailing from the most esteemed cigar-producing regions across the globe. These cigars are a testament to the expertise of the world's most celebrated cigar craftsmen, bearing the imprints of iconic and super-premium brands. Within this exquisite collection, enthusiasts can encounter not only renowned selections but also rare small-batch offerings that have garnered commendable ratings.
Tailor your club delivery
The Clubs of America Cigar of the Month Club provides an array of choices for customization for your 5-cigar shipments. You can tailor your commitment length and cigar delivery frequency to match your preferences. Enjoy cigars for 2, 3, 4, 6, or 12 monthly shipments. Each shipment includes the informative Cigar Expeditions newsletter. This newsletter delves into the monthly cigar selections, highlighting their unique traits and origins, sharing captivating facts from the world of cigars, and more. As an added bonus, your initial shipment includes a complimentary cigar cutter.
Competitive pricing
The payment options include both full prepayment and per-shipment payment, with no additional charges. The full list of prices includes:
Clean website for easy shopping
One great thing about choosing Cigar of the Month is that the parent company, Clubs of America, has created a sleek website to browse. With easy-to-see graphics, well-organized pages for products, and clear pricing, it's super simple to find exactly what you need when shopping for Cigar of the Month or any of the other clubs available from Clubs of America.
Free shipping
Compared to some of the other clubs in our review, the Cigar of the Month Club has a unique bonus: there are no extra charges for shipping here. This advantage extends to all of their other club offerings. So, whether you want to try the Cigar of the Month club or one of the other clubs offered by this
Good BBB score but missing reviews
When it comes to customer satisfaction, the Cigar of the Month Club has garnered a positive reputation. Clubs of America, its parent company, has received an "A+" rating from the BBB. However, there aren't a lot of reviews either for the Cigar of the Month Club itself or for Clubs of America at third-party review sites. It is important to note that other clubs from this service are well-reviewed across a variety of sources of customer feedback, so this subscription provider is usually well-received.
Satisfied customers
The Cigar of the Month Club by Clubs of America has consistently delivered rare, premium-quality cigars over many years. While cigars might not be their exclusive focus, they have effectively pleased cigar club members with timely deliveries and distinct cigar choices. Their track record of catering to members' satisfaction, alongside their wide-ranging expertise in various membership clubs, ensures a reliable and unique experience for cigar enthusiasts.
Strong choice
While we'd love to see more specific reviews for the Cigar of the Month Club or even Clubs of America itself, there are good reviews out there for the other clubs, like the Wine of the Month Club, so there's good feedback for this service in different areas. Given these factors, the Cigar of the Month Club gets a well-deserved strong recommendation.
In the realm of gift club websites, Amazing Clubs stands out with its diverse array of "Of the Month" club offerings that cater to various preferences. Founded in 2003, Amazing Clubs offers a one-stop shop for clubs either for yourself or as gifts for friends and family. From beer and wine to snacks and sweets, they've got a club for everyone. The Cigar of the Month Club from Amazing Clubs offers exactly what it says: a selection of cigars every month for cigar enthusiasts.
Cigars selected by tobacco team
According to the Amazing Clubs, the quality of the cigars is top-notch. They offer matured cigars sourced from tobacco cultivators in globally acclaimed tobacco-producing areas like Cuba, the Dominican Republic, Honduras, Ecuador, and other international locations. Amazing Clubs has tobacco experts on staff to ensure that each shipment has a curated selection of cigars that give customers a high-quality experience. Every month, you'll receive a special assortment of rare, well-matured cigars sourced from special tobacco farms across the globe. Each package includes five distinct and fresh types of cigars, carefully hand-rolled using the best, top-quality tobacco leaves.
Prepay or pay monthly for cigars
Amazing Clubs' Cigar of the Month Club offers a degree of personalization that makes it a breeze to set up a subscription according to your preferences. There are two ways to pay for a Cigar of the Month Club at Amazing Clubs. First, you can pay "in full” which means pre-paying for one of the durations (3, 6, and 12 months or a seasonal option). This is the best way to buy if you want to send cigars as a gift. The prices range from $116.85 to $443.40, depending on the length of the plan you choose. The other way to pay is by paying per shipment. This costs $38.95 and is charged to you monthly. There's no difference in your total cost either way; it's just a matter of whether you'd like the convenience of paying for it all at once or the wallet-friendly option of paying as you go.
No hassle guarantee
One standout feature of Amazing Clubs is that they offer an impressive "They'll Love It Guarantee.” This guarantee means that if you're ever unhappy with any part of the Amazing Clubs service, you can contact the company for assistance. Amazing Clubs promises that you may cancel your membership at any time and for any reason. On top of that, you will receive full credit for any unshipped merchandise with absolutely no hassle involved. We've sampled many of the clubs sold through this provider, and we can confidently say that they stand behind this guarantee: if anything isn't exactly what you hoped for with your cigar club (or any other Amazing Clubs product), it'll be hassle-free to get a refund, a redelivery, or even a shipment of a different club instead of cigars.
Cluttered web design
One aspect where there's room for improvement is the design of the Amazing Clubs website. Certain sections of the content might come across as overwhelming and challenging to read, especially for individuals using small screens or struggling with extensive blocks of text. This could potentially discourage some customers.
Top-tier ratings for customer service
When it comes to ensuring customer contentment, Amazing Clubs stands out as a highly regarded service. Amazing Clubs boasts an impressive "A+" rating from the Better Business Bureau, coupled with an average review score of 3.8 stars across various third-party review platforms. Amazing Clubs has an impressive rating on Trustpilot in particular with over 1,500 individual reviews and a 5-star average rating. The positive feedback revolves around the efficiency, speed, and overall pleasant interactions that customers have experienced with the Amazing Clubs' customer service representatives. The vast number of reviews highlights how effectively the support team resolved a diverse range of issues, spanning from inquiries about gift certificates to cancellation requests.
Solid one-stop shop
With a commendable history of providing a diverse range of gift-of-the-month clubs, this company has earned a reputation for delivering consistent quality across its offerings. And, The Cigar of the Month Club is a top-scoring club at Amazing Clubs. The customizable nature of their club membership makes this a great choice for a wide spectrum of cigar aficionados who want different shipment times or commitment options. Further, the extremely positive feedback for Amazing Clubs makes this service stand out as a company that customers trust and return to for clubs of every kind. As a one-stop shop, Amazing Clubs is top-notch, and for cigars in particular it is a highly competitive service.
Holt's Cigar Company has a rich history of more than 120 years in the cigar industry. The company is committed to delivering unparalleled customer service and premium luxury products to cigar enthusiasts worldwide. Based in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Holt's Cigar Company is owned and managed by the Levin family. Overall, Holt's Cigar Company stands out as an affordable club for cigar enthusiasts who don't want to break the bank.
One club, one cost
In terms of variety, there is only one club available at Holt's. The Holt's Cigar Company's Cigar of the Month Club is a one-option and one-shipment deal. Instead of having multiple frequencies like we've seen from other companies, there is just one month-to-month price at Holts. This club includes 5 cigars each month, free shipping, and the promise of top-shelf selections for cigars. The cigars are shipped each month for $29.95, which is a relatively low price for 5 cigars, especially compared to other services which start at a much higher price. While we wish there were more variety for shipping frequency, this could be a good starter service for someone getting into cigar clubs.
Old UI, but it does the job
While the site isn't anything to write home about, it does the job it needs to do. The UI is old-fashioned, and the navigation buttons feel completely out of date, but there's no problem finding the club or ordering it from the Holt's Cigar Company website. The old-style buttons and smaller text are features that could use an update, but most customers don't appear to have a problem with purchasing from Holt's. We do wish they'd put in a little more effort to polish the site up, but it's not really a drawback for functionality.
10% off for military members and first responders
In a show of gratitude and support, Holt's Cigar Company honors those serving in the Armed Forces and as First Responders by offering a discount just for them. This token of appreciation includes a 10% discount, accessible online and over the phone, for active military personnel, veterans, retirees, National Guard members, and reserves of the Armed Forces. So, even if you've been retired for a while, you can still take advantage of 10% off.
Rated better in-person than online
The reviews for Holt's Cigar Company are a little mixed. Many of the reviews are on sites like Yelp which showcase the feedback of customers who have taken advantage of the brick-and-mortar locations. There are a couple of reviews on verified third-party review sites like Trustpilot, but there aren't many. Overall, in person shoppers rated Holt's Cigar Company a solid 4 stars while online users rated the company 3 stars instead. Customers who shopped in person praised the high quality of the cigars. Finishing on a positive note, Holt's Cigar Company holds an "A+” rating from the Better Business Bureau.
Basic club, but good for budgeting
While this is a really basic club, there are some benefits to simplicity - like cost. Holt's is one of the cheapest options out there, and customers only ever have to worry about one price. Even the shipping is free. However, if you're interested in variety or having more control over the different times you get shipments, Holt's Cigar Company isn't the one for you. With mixed reviews, this isn't one of the top competitors, but Holt's Cigar Company does offer some great features like discounts for military personnel. So, it comes out better than average on our list.
Established in 1915 within the vibrant Key West area, Thompson Cigar stands as an iconic name, bearing the distinction of being the oldest mail-order cigar company in the United States.
Carefully curated cigars
In the realm of cigars, where excellence and craftsmanship are key, Thompson Cigar's extensive 100+ years of crafting and selling cigars translates into an example of top quality for cigar aficionados. At Thompson Cigar, each shipment includes a carefully curated selection of five cigars. These cigars are sourced from diverse corners of the globe, offering members a rich tapestry of flavors and experiences from different cigar-producing regions.
Low-cost option month-to-month
On top of offering single-purchase for different cigars on the website, Thompson Cigar also offers a single club: the Cigar Tour Sampler of the Month Club. Thompson Cigar ensures a degree of flexibility with their Cigar Tour membership, allowing members to choose between the ongoing membership option for uninterrupted monthly shipments or selecting the duration of their membership with choices of 3, 6, 9, or 12 monthly shipments. It's worth noting that each shipment is accompanied by the added perk of free shipping, an added touch of convenience that further enhances the membership experience. The pricing ranges from just $29.95 each month for an ongoing monthly membership to $354 for a 12-month membership.
Older website design
The website for Thompson Cigar definitely shows its age. While it's easy enough to navigate, there are tons of options on the site along with different picture buttons that might be confusing for some customers. It isn't the most helpful UI, but it does get the job done.
Multiple ways to buy
On top of the club, there are plenty of other ways to buy cigars with Thompson Cigar. From the website, you can choose from a variety of options that they say will save you extra money. The two most prominent of these are the 5-pack and the Convenience Club. The 5-pack option is exactly what it says: a pack of five cigars for a reduced price, which can be great as a gift to someone. The Convenience Club is even better. This is another club-style option at Thompson Cigar which offers a large selection of machine-made cigars. This option is a "you-pick” style membership which changes in price depending on which cigars you choose and how often you want them.
Customer service is rated low
Despite having some great features and multiple ways to buy cigars, the ratings for Thompson Cigar aren't exactly top-notch. While the company does have an "A-” rating from the Better Business Bureau, which isn't too shabby, the star ratings and reviews from customers tell a different story. On the BBB as well as Trustpilot, customers complain about disappointing service. At Trustpilot the company has a 2.3-star average rating out of 5 and from the BBB, Thompson Cigar only has a 1.4-star average out of 5. Most of the negative reviews center on how subpar the customer service was. For customers who had something go wrong, they felt that Thompson Cigar did nothing to help them with the problem.
Negative buying experience
Thompson Cigar's aspiration to cater to a broad spectrum of cigar enthusiasts is evident in their approach. However, even with tons of cigars and plenty of ways to buy them, Thompson Cigar's reviews paint a picture of an overall negative buying experience for customers. While the company does hold an "A-” rating from the BBB, which helps level out the bad reviews, the Cigar Tour Sampler of the Month Club doesn't really stand out compared with other cigar clubs.
Mid-level option
For all these reasons, the company sits squarely in the middle of the pack here. It might be worth checking out if you want to buy a few cigars or be able to customize your own shipments, but if you take the customer reviews at face value, Thompson Cigar may not be worth the hassle if something goes wrong.
If you heard "Gotham” and asked "Where's Batman?”, you might be a little disappointed - but if you're ready for a solid selection of cigars, you're in luck. In 2001, Gotham Cigar Club emerged as an option for aficionados seeking a comprehensive array of cigar offerings, showcasing an extensive selection of popular cigar brands. The Gotham Cigar Club website functions as a gateway to a diverse array of cigar options, spanning premium cigars, machine-made variants, filtered selections, and much more, thereby catering to a wide spectrum of preferences and tastes.
Know the history of your cigars
Gotham Cigar Club delivers a curated selection of five premium cigars on a monthly basis. The meticulous selection process is undertaken by Gotham Cigar Club's resident cigar experts, who handpick cigars that showcase top quality and good craftsmanship. Each monthly shipment comes with a newsletter, designed to provide insights into the origin and flavor profile of each cigar and how it was selected by Gotham Cigar Club.
Pricing differences are confusing
On top of the selection of individual cigars and cigar-related gifts offered by Gotham Cigar Club, the company offers 8 different ways to get involved with the Gotham Cigar of the Month Club. There are technically four tiers - Silver, Gold, Platinum, and Diamond - but there are two pricing options for each tier. However, based on the description, we're not sure why the prices between silver and gold are different, other than some of them have a "Groupon” button on them and others don't.
Plan pricing
Here are the tiers laid out for you in case you're curious how it all shakes out:
Gotham lacks transparency
While Gotham Cigar Club tries to offer competitive options, a notable void emerges in terms of club details. Each delivery includes five cigars, but that's about all we can find out. When compared to the comprehensive approach embraced by other cigar clubs, the absence of clarity regarding Gotham Cigar Club's cigar selection process raises questions about what goes into each delivery and how carefully those cigars are selected. A lack of transparency makes it hard to make a direct comparison to other companies and could leave potential members seeking a more comprehensive service.
UI could use an update
While the site is okay overall and isn't too hard to navigate, it still feels a little out of date. And, because the Gotham Cigar Club is set up as separate products for each membership style, it comes across as a clunky way to shop. Customers can figure it out, but there are much more seamless ways to offer different tiers and make them easier to compare side by side.
Gotham doesn't have much buzz
In terms of reputation, there isn't a lot of buzz about the Gotham Cigar Club. There aren't many reviews out there except on Google, and that's just over 100 total. The star rating average is around 3.7 stars and isn't what we'd call impressive. On the other hand, Gotham Cigar Club does have a full "A+” rating from the Better Business Bureau, though there aren't any reviews for the service on the BBB site at all. According to a few blog reviews, the company is "legit”, but there aren't many specific reviews regarding quality or customer service, which is somewhat frustrating for customers looking for feedback from cigar fans like themselves.
Limitations knock Gotham lower
Despite the variety of club options, Gotham Cigar Club has some limitations that influence its rating. The absence of comprehensive delivery frequencies, like the ones offered by rival subscription services, serves as a notable drawback. Plus, Gotham Cigar Club is missing details for its selection process which can either confuse customers or make them feel less confident about the depth of its commitment to quality and expertise. As a result, these factors contribute to the club's comparatively lower rating overall, especially given that many other cigar services have competitive reviews and even better prices.
Cigars International has been immersed in the realm of cigars since the inception of its venture in 1996. Despite the noticeably old-fashioned and cluttered appearance of their website, Cigars International stands as a notable provider of a Cigar of the Month Club, which has garnered a considerable roster of satisfied customers over their extensive tenure in the business. On top of the club options, customers can also buy individual products, making it a good place to either try a single type of cigar or to sign up for regular shipments.
Rare selection of cigars
In order to make sure customers are getting the quality they're looking for, Cigars International offers an interesting selection of premium hand-rolled cigars, sourced from the world's most esteemed cigar-producing regions. Whether it's Macanudo, Romeo y Julieta, Rocky Patel, Cohiba, Gurkha, La Gloria Cubana, Tatuaje, or other brands, the extensive inventory of premium and super-premium cigars ensures a range of options. Many of the brands offered at Cigars International are known for being small businesses, rare finds, and unique flavors, which could appeal to customers who are especially interested in trying cigars that are new to them.
4 or 8 cigars per month
There are two different club styles to choose from at Cigars International. These include the Original Club which includes four cigars from four different brands per month, and the Double Decker Club which includes eight cigars with two of each brand per month. You can choose from a duration of month-to-month, 3 months, 6 months, and 12 months.
Price plans laid out
The month-to-month cost for Cigars International is highly competitive, especially if customers are interested in the "Original" club. The pricing for each depends on which club style you choose:
Don't judge a book by its cover
As we mentioned above, the website for Cigars International isn't much to write home about. However, on top of their great prices, Cigars International also offers free shipping on all their shipments as well as members-only discounts on their other merchandise. There is also a 100% satisfaction guarantee with this site, which makes us feel much more confident. While their UI could use a little cleanup for the modern shopper, the actual site features seem to be highly competitive.
Service quality going down
In terms of company reputation, Cigars International has a solid "A-” rating from the Better Business Bureau. However, this is where the good news stops. While there are good features at Cigars International, the few customers who have left reviews for the company don't feel that they've been well taken care of. Between two third-party review sites, there are just under 200 total reviews for Cigars International, and across both sites, the average rating is just 1.7 stars out of 5.
Customer complaints
Customers complain about suspicious charges not related to the cigar purchase. Even more complaints refer to terrible customer service when problems arise. Many of the poor reviews are from the months leading up to this evaluation, which shows that the complaints for Cigars International are fairly recent and indicate a sudden decline in service quality.
Check out a different provider first
While Cigars International used to be a strong contender on our list, the company seems to have declined rather quickly in quality in recent years. Cigars International's offerings are competitive in price and selection, but when you check on their customer service and customer satisfaction, the company falls pretty far behind. While Cigars International still has an "A-” from the BBB, customers tell a different story, which brings down its ranking pretty far on our list. While we used to recommend this cigar club as an entry-level option for newcomers, it's better to check out one of our higher-rated subscriptions first.
JR Cigar was founded in 1997 and uses its platform to offer an extensive array of cigars and accessories, catering to both experienced enthusiasts and newcomers exploring their preferences. With an unmatched assortment of premium cigars, humidors, lighters, and a variety of pipe tobaccos, JR Cigar's expert team is committed to delivering an extraordinary journey to suit every taste.
State of the art
If you're looking for a tech-savvy cigar site, JR Cigar stands out of the pack. With QR codes and mobile apps, JR Cigar is one of the only options we've found that feels super sleek and modern, which is a huge bonus. However, when you check out the customer reviews it seems the company might not live up to the hype.
Designed for discounts with annual commitment
There are two membership options at JR Cigar. These include a monthly subscription plan and an annual subscription plan. Both plans offer monthly shipments of 5 cigars; however, there are some significant cost benefits to going with the prepaid annual plan instead. The pricing shakes out as follows:
Modern approach to a classic pastime
JR stands out, particularly on the tech side. On top of having a modern and clean website interface, the company also offers a mobile app to easily manage your cigar club shipments from the palm of your hand. You can also scan a QR code on the cigars you're sent to learn more about the particular items in your shipment, which adds some fun and learning to the cigar experience. JR Cigar is definitely leading the pack in modern amenities.
Military discount available
If you're looking for discounts, you're in luck if you're in the military or a medical professional. JR Cigar offers military members and medical professionals who serve our country a discount to thank them for their service. The discount provides 10% off the cost of the purchase or club at JR Cigar.
Price match guarantee
As a bonus, the company offers the JR Price Match Guarantee. This means that if you discover a lower price from another company, JR will match that price under certain conditions. To be eligible for price matching, the other company must be a verified authorized U.S. seller of cigars. The lower price they offer should be visible on their website and should be less than JR's price (including shipping and handling costs). The item being compared must be exactly the same, including the brand, quantity, and size. It must also be currently available for purchase from both the competitor and JR.
Nice package, but poor reputation
Unfortunately, despite some great features and wonderful tech, JR Cigar isn't the top choice for customers. The ratings and reviews are almost universally negative. For example, JR Cigar has a horrible "F” rating from the Better Business Bureau. Further, the company only has an average rating of 2 stars across different verified review sites, which really raises some red flags. Customers have had problems with items never shipping and unauthorized charges, and there have been complaints about JC Cigar not honoring discounts. Given these problems with the company, it becomes impossible to recommend them.
Try a different cigar club instead
JR Cigar is one of those companies that looks really pretty and stylized but just doesn't show up when it comes to customer satisfaction. With both an "F” rating from the BBB and low-rated reviews from customers, JR Cigar falls close to the bottom of our list of cigar clubs. It's not the worst, because the features may make it worth checking out despite the concerning reviews, but it definitely doesn't come highly recommended. It's best to check out some of the top options in our review before you spend money at JR Cigar.
Established in 2015, Southern Cigar Company is a relatively recent entrant into the vibrant arena of cigar clubs. Southern Cigar Company was created with the aim of offering global cigar enthusiasts exceptional smoking experiences.
Aspirational goals
The company wanted to take the stress out of shopping for cigars in a store and created Southern Cigar Company as an online solution that provided every cigar smoker with the opportunity to explore outstanding and novel cigars from around the world. Since its inception, Southern Cigar Company has tried to stay at the forefront of the subscription industry for cigar aficionados.
No info on cigar quality
There's just one problem with Southern Cigar Company: there aren't any details. Other than pricing, there just isn't enough information regarding the actual products customers receive. The purchase process takes you to their options for a number of months and prepay frequencies, but there are no details about the particular cigars you're buying. For many customers who are used to detailed descriptions of the history of different cigars or employees who research cigars professionally, Southern Cigar Company is an option that may not be as popular with cigar enthusiasts.
Monthly payments for cigars
Southern Cigar Company offers three membership levels. You can choose from a month-to-month shipment, a 3-month commitment, or a 6-month commitment. This is a notably slim number of options compared to other companies in this review. The pricing for these shipment frequencies ranges from $39.95 if you pay month-to-month, $38.95 per month if you commit to 3 months, or $37.95 per month if you commit to 6 months. We were able to find that each box includes 4 cigars, though this was located in the FAQ section of the site rather than where you actually purchase the subscription box.
Bare bones site
There are a few things that feel low effort with Southern Cigar Company, and the website is one of them. While the logo and some of the colors are fun and feel on-brand, the site is packed into a few small pages with very little overall design. It's hard to move forward and back through pages without completely losing your place. Overall, the interface isn't one of the stand-out features at Southern Cigar Company.
Auto-renew with no refunds
If you're looking for a service that puts customers first, Southern Cigar Company may not be the best one for you. The company operates as a prepaid subscription service. In the event of a cancellation, the user's account will no longer renew, but this doesn't come with a refund for the boxes you've already paid for. So, you may want to keep an eye on the auto-renew and make sure you don't get charged for something you're not interested in continuing.
No review presence
As a newer company on the market, we weren't surprised but still a little disappointed to learn that there wasn't any review presence for this company beyond a few blog reviews. On top of that, Southern Cigar Company currently has no listing with the Better Business Bureau, so it's hard to tell much about the quality of the service. Considering how little information there is on the website itself, it's safe to say there are more popular (and likely more reliable) cigar clubs out there than the one offered by Southern Cigar Company.
Needs more time to grow
As a relatively young contender in the dynamic cigar club arena, Southern Cigar Company definitely has room to grow. Most importantly, we would love to see some transparency about the actual cigars in the subscription boxes at Southern Cigar Company. While there is potential for this company in the future, it doesn't rank very high now, mostly due to its complete lack of reviews and minimal details about the products. If they improve their transparency in the future, we could see Southern Cigar Company earning a better rating. Until then, we encourage you to check out the higher-ranking cigar clubs on our list for a transparent experience you can rely on.
Cigars continue to be valued for their complex flavors, aromas, and the sense of relaxation and luxury they offer during leisurely moments or social gatherings. The United States stands as one of the largest consumers of cigars worldwide, contributing significantly to global cigar sales. When it comes to cigar production, the Dominican Republic, Nicaragua, and Honduras lead the way, renowned for their expertise in crafting high-quality premium cigars.
Cigars come in two main types: premium hand-rolled cigars and machine-made cigars. Premium cigars are often made by skilled artisans, resulting in a superior smoking experience. On the other hand, machine-made cigars are produced using automated processes, allowing for mass production at a more affordable price point. While both types offer unique smoking experiences, a newcomer to the cigar world might not know where to find or try new ones. That's where a cigar club comes into play.
In order to get a taste of the wide variety of cigars, a club offers you a luxury experience and curated cigar choices from all over the world. There's no need to compare top name-brands and limited production labels; the club's experts take care of that for you (or for anyone you want to send a cigar as a gift). Plus, the convenience offered by top cigar clubs is unparalleled. Instead of tirelessly searching for cigars from different regions around the world, the club will deliver a curated selection right to your doorstep.
When selecting the right cigar club for you, it's important to check out their best features. If you're not sure where to start, we've made a quick list for you to help you narrow down your best options:
Top Consumer Reviews has searched out the best cigar clubs out there and ranked them for you, so you can sit back, relax, and enjoy your first (or favorite) cigar. So whether you'd like a Robusto, Toro, Churchill, or Corona, or maybe you'd like to try them all, we hope this information helps you select the best Cigar Club for your smoking experience.
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