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Premium Cigar of the Month Club Review

Tuesday, October 15th

2024 Cigar Club Reviews

Top Consumer Reviews Best-In-Class Blue Ribbon Award Premium Cigar of the Month Club Review 5 Star Rating

Premium Cigar of the Month Club

5 Star Rating
  • Prices from $32.95 to $445.40
  • 5 cigars per shipment
  • Only ships top 5% in quality
  • 100% satisfaction guarantee
  • "A+” rating and accreditation from the BBB
Top Consumer Reviews Best-In-Class Blue Ribbon Award

The Premium Cigar of the Month Club is one of two cigar clubs owned by Monthly Clubs Inc. The company, which opened back in 1994, started with the Premium Cigar of the Month Club, which will be the focus of this review (the sister club, Rare Cigar Club, can be found on our list as well).

All premium cigars here

At the Premium Cigar of the Month Club, customers can explore a selection of premium and limited-production cigars. This includes cigars from boutique manufacturers like Alec Bradley and Carlos Toraño, as well as highly-rated, super-premium brands such as Graycliff, AVO, and Cohiba. The Premium Cigar of the Month Club's name speaks volumes about its offerings, clearly indicating the essence of the club's focus. Among the various cigar clubs available today, the Original Premium Cigar Club from this provider stands out for several compelling reasons, including the fact that all their cigars are hand-rolled, setting it apart as a top choice for cigar lovers who want both quality and variety in their membership.

Expert panel selects the cigars

One of the most notable aspects of this club is the unwavering commitment to delivering high-quality cigars in each shipment. This commitment is demonstrated by Monthly Clubs' panel of nine experienced tobacconists, who meticulously evaluate over 200 cigars on a weekly basis. The expert panel of tobacconists invests nearly half of their working year on-site in key cigar-producing regions like Nicaragua and the Dominican Republic.

Best Cigar Clubs

Only the top 5% of cigars are shipped

This level of involvement not only elevates the club's offerings but also underscores its distinguished standing in the realm of cigar clubs. These experts employ their refined senses to assess factors like aroma and flavor profiles, ensuring that only the finest cigars make their way to subscribers. According to the website, only 5% of the evaluated cigars meet the club's standards and are deemed worthy of reaching the discerning palates of its members.

Tons of options for setting up your club

There are plenty of plan options to choose from with this service. First, you need to choose the Original Premium Cigar Club which grants members 5 cigars per month from top manufacturers. This option costs $32.95 per month up to $445.40 for a 12-month prepaid membership. For each package, you can expect to pay $5 in shipping costs, but each shipment arrives with a reusable humidification device, ensuring that the cigars remain impeccably fresh and primed for a delightful smoking experience.

Site offers premium shopping experience

The website for Premium Cigar of the Month Club is super easy to navigate and has a timeless feel. It definitely gives the impression of a premium cigar-shopping experience. With key details about the club available in bullet points, you can easily see exactly what you're buying at a glance. Further, there are tons of pricing options that are easy to scroll through depending on how often you want to receive cigars or gift them to others.

Best Cigar Clubs

100% satisfaction guarantee

One thing we love about Premium Cigar of the Month Club is their 100% satisfaction guarantee. This guarantee ensures that every cigar you purchase from The Premium Cigar of the Month Club meets your high standards. If it doesn't (for any reason), the company will replace the shipment or completely refund you for the purchase.

Top scores from the BBB

Since Premium Cigar of the Month Club is one of many items offered by the Monthly Clubs company, we needed to check out the reputation of the parent company. Monthly Clubs has a stellar rating of "A+” from the Better Business Bureau. On top of that, the company has been fully accredited by the BBB since 2005. While there aren't many third-party reviews out there, there are tons of 5-star reviews available on the Monthly Clubs website showing happy customers who have purchased the Premium Cigar of the Month Club. Customers who left reviews praised the ease of setting up a subscription and loved the quality and freshness of the cigars.

Premium cigars and top-rated service

The Original Premium Cigar Club offered by Monthly Club is a complete and balanced choice for cigar enthusiasts. It gives members the freedom to choose how long they want to be part of the club and how often they receive shipments, all while making sure customers get access to well-tested, high-quality cigars without breaking the bank. Because of these great qualities along with a 100% satisfaction guarantee and top ratings from the BBB, the Premium Cigar of the Month Club has received the highest rating from us. If you're looking for a club that combines quality, variety, and expertise, the Original Premium Cigar Club is a fantastic option that promises an amazing cigar experience.

Where Can You Find the Best Cigar Club?

Whether you're a seasoned aficionado, a curious novice, or somewhere in between, joining a cigar club can significantly elevate your cigar experience. The surge in popularity of cigar clubs in recent years has introduced a variety of exciting options to the market. Being part of a cigar club allows you to enjoy these premium cigars at a discounted price compared to purchasing them individually.

But, a premium cigar club goes beyond just delivering cigars; they provide detailed information about each unique selection and its manufacturer. On top of that, the best cigar clubs offer flexibility, allowing you to tailor your membership to your preferences in terms of cigar types or shipment frequency. As the popularity of cigar clubs continues to grow, competition among them is fierce, so it's essential to be an informed consumer before making a decision.

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Cigar Club FAQ

All over the world! Most are made in Central and South America and the Caribbean. You can also find clubs with cigars originating in the Canary Islands and the US.
Most cigar clubs are shipped monthly, and you choose how long you'd like the membership to last - usually anywhere from 2-12 months. A few clubs give you the option to have cigars delivered quarterly, if you prefer not to receive them every month.
Not necessarily. Expect a monthly price ranging from $20 to $45 for a cigar club with 4-5 cigars in each package.
That depends on the cigar club you select. Some include the delivery fees in the monthly price, while others tack on shipping costs of approximately $5 per shipment.
Sometimes. Most cigar clubs have been around for many years, with thousands of happy customers - so you're unlikely to be disappointed. But yes, some providers go the extra mile by offering a refund or replacement if your cigars arrive in less-than-perfect condition for any reason.
Yes, although the club you select may verify your age to make sure you are old enough to smoke according to the laws where you live. Since most cigar clubs don't include products from Cuba, they avoid any trade restrictions that might otherwise limit their selection.
Many cigar clubs include an informative newsletter, describing the origin of each cigar, the process by which they were made, and even recommended alcohol pairings. You might also receive a reusable humidification device that will keep your cigars in top condition both in transit and while being stored at the home or office.
For any true tobacco aficionado, could there be anything better? Most cigar clubs provide gift-giving options, from personalized notes included in the first shipment to an announcement that can be sent via email on the date of your choice.
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Continued from above...

Cigars continue to be valued for their complex flavors, aromas, and the sense of relaxation and luxury they offer during leisurely moments or social gatherings. The United States stands as one of the largest consumers of cigars worldwide, contributing significantly to global cigar sales. When it comes to cigar production, the Dominican Republic, Nicaragua, and Honduras lead the way, renowned for their expertise in crafting high-quality premium cigars.

Cigars come in two main types: premium hand-rolled cigars and machine-made cigars. Premium cigars are often made by skilled artisans, resulting in a superior smoking experience. On the other hand, machine-made cigars are produced using automated processes, allowing for mass production at a more affordable price point. While both types offer unique smoking experiences, a newcomer to the cigar world might not know where to find or try new ones. That's where a cigar club comes into play.

In order to get a taste of the wide variety of cigars, a club offers you a luxury experience and curated cigar choices from all over the world. There's no need to compare top name-brands and limited production labels; the club's experts take care of that for you (or for anyone you want to send a cigar as a gift). Plus, the convenience offered by top cigar clubs is unparalleled. Instead of tirelessly searching for cigars from different regions around the world, the club will deliver a curated selection right to your doorstep.

When selecting the right cigar club for you, it's important to check out their best features. If you're not sure where to start, we've made a quick list for you to help you narrow down your best options:

  • Cost. There are lots of cigar companies that sell a variety of products. Whether you're looking for rare cigars, hand-rolled cigars, or you just want something rolled by a machine, your budget can change where you shop and what you're shopping for. Keeping an eye on who offers good deals, discounts, and competitive prices can help you decide which one gets your membership.
  • Club length. Not all cigar clubs are structured in the same way. Some offer only one shipping frequency at month-to-month while others let you prepay for up to a year of shipments. Keep in mind how long you want cigars to help you decide where to buy.
  • Guarantees. Not all cigar clubs offer guarantees or price matching, but some of them do, and keeping an eye out for them can help you decide which options make you feel most secure when making a purchase. A 100% satisfaction guarantee is a great way to know that a company stands by the quality of its cigars.
  • Reputation. If you finish your research and still feel unsure, it's a good idea to look into the company's reputation. Read what other customers have said in reviews or see how the Better Business Bureau rates them. This helps you know if the company is trustworthy and offers the cigar experience you and other enthusiasts are looking for.

Top Consumer Reviews has searched out the best cigar clubs out there and ranked them for you, so you can sit back, relax, and enjoy your first (or favorite) cigar. So whether you'd like a Robusto, Toro, Churchill, or Corona, or maybe you'd like to try them all, we hope this information helps you select the best Cigar Club for your smoking experience.

Compare Cigar Clubs

Select any 2 Cigar Clubs to compare them head to head

  • Premium Cigar of the Month Club
  • Rare Cigar Club
  • Cigar of the Month Club
  • Amazing Clubs
  • Holt's Cigar Company
  • Thompson Cigar
  • Gotham Cigar Club
  • Cigars International
  • JR Cigar
  • Southern Cigar Company
Premium Cigar of the Month Club vs Rare Cigar Club Premium Cigar of the Month Club vs Cigar of the Month Club Premium Cigar of the Month Club vs Amazing Clubs Premium Cigar of the Month Club vs Holt's Cigar Company Premium Cigar of the Month Club vs Thompson Cigar Premium Cigar of the Month Club vs Gotham Cigar Club Premium Cigar of the Month Club vs Cigars International Premium Cigar of the Month Club vs JR Cigar Premium Cigar of the Month Club vs Southern Cigar Company Rare Cigar Club vs Cigar of the Month Club Rare Cigar Club vs Amazing Clubs Rare Cigar Club vs Holt's Cigar Company Rare Cigar Club vs Thompson Cigar Rare Cigar Club vs Gotham Cigar Club Rare Cigar Club vs Cigars International Rare Cigar Club vs JR Cigar Rare Cigar Club vs Southern Cigar Company Cigar of the Month Club vs Amazing Clubs Cigar of the Month Club vs Holt's Cigar Company Cigar of the Month Club vs Thompson Cigar Cigar of the Month Club vs Gotham Cigar Club Cigar of the Month Club vs Cigars International Cigar of the Month Club vs JR Cigar Cigar of the Month Club vs Southern Cigar Company Amazing Clubs vs Holt's Cigar Company Amazing Clubs vs Thompson Cigar Amazing Clubs vs Gotham Cigar Club Amazing Clubs vs Cigars International Amazing Clubs vs JR Cigar Amazing Clubs vs Southern Cigar Company Holt's Cigar Company vs Thompson Cigar Holt's Cigar Company vs Gotham Cigar Club Holt's Cigar Company vs Cigars International Holt's Cigar Company vs JR Cigar Holt's Cigar Company vs Southern Cigar Company Thompson Cigar vs Gotham Cigar Club Thompson Cigar vs Cigars International Thompson Cigar vs JR Cigar Thompson Cigar vs Southern Cigar Company Gotham Cigar Club vs Cigars International Gotham Cigar Club vs JR Cigar Gotham Cigar Club vs Southern Cigar Company Cigars International vs JR Cigar Cigars International vs Southern Cigar Company JR Cigar vs Southern Cigar Company
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