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My Corporation Review

Thursday, January 23rd

2025 Copyright Registration Service Reviews

My Corporation Review 3.5 Star Rating

My Corporation

3.5 Star Rating
  • Flat cost of $169 for your application
  • One price for one service
  • Quick form fill out
  • Refunds with 60 days
  • One-stop shop for other business help
  • 4.6-star average rating

Designed as a site to help you file for an LLC or a corporation, MyCorporation is a site that offers a range of legal and business-focused services, including copyright registration. Offering to handle every step of the process for you, MyCorporation promises a hands-off service. The MyCorporation experts will handle the filing and paperwork for your entire application.

Fill out a quick form to get started

To get started on MyCorporation, you just need to click the "Register a Copyright Now” button. From there, you'll be asked to create a free account. After you're logged in, the site will ask for your contact information. Finally, you'll be asked about what you want to copyright, the title of your work, previous instances of publication, and any international standard information (if you have that). Finally, you'll have to fill out authorship details for yourself and any other authors included in the work you're looking to copyright.

Only one complete package

There is only one package for copyright registration at MyCorporation. This is found after the quick forms you fill out. Unlike some other services that offer packages with extra features or subscription plans, you can get the entire process handled by MyCorporation in one all-inclusive approach. The copyright registration at MyCorporation includes literary works, performing arts, visual arts, motion pictures, photographs, digital content like computer programs or blogs, and architectural works.

Best Copyright Registration Services

Flat cost of $169 for your application

The copyright application at MyCorporation is $169 as a flat fee. There are no additional fees to pay unless you want rush filing. This costs $100 additional on top of the fee for applying. This price also covers any filing costs, so you don't have to pay extra for government fees.

Tons of business-related services

If you have any extra questions about the process, it's simple to contact customer support at MyCorporation by using its online form or the chat features on the website. And, keep in mind that MyCorporation is a great one-stop shop for other business needs. If you're looking for trademark services, business maintenance services like certifications or payroll, or even promotional products, you can take care of all of those needs in one place.

Refund option within 60 days

While MyCorporation doesn't offer a satisfaction guarantee, there is some recourse if you need a refund. MyCorporation will first try to resolve the issue before working on a refund. If you are still dissatisfied, you can request a refund within 60 days of the date MyCorporation provided your services. However, it is unclear from the policy how likely you are to get your money back with the request. According to our research, the company offers refunds on a case-by-case basis.

Best Copyright Registration Services

Solid scores on Trustpilot for business services

Currently, MyCorporation has an "NR” rating with the Better Business Bureau, but there's good news on other third-party review sites. Trustpilot shows MyCorporation has a 4.6-star average rating. Reviewers love the customer service here, and business owners are thrilled with the overall results of using MyCorporation to support them. However, there was no specific mention of the copyright registration services in the reviews.

A solid option for business owners

While MyCorporation is more business-focused than some other copyright registration services, it offers a decent setup for a competitive cost. However, with its unclear refund policy, it comes in as a mid-tier solution compared to some competitors. On the other hand, with positive customer reviews for its other business services, you may still want to check out MyCorporation for your copyright needs. For this reason, it earns a solid rating from us.

What is the Best Place to Complete Copyright Registration?

Have you ever created something and worried about sharing your genius idea, art piece, or story because it might get stolen? Copyrighting your work is one way to get some peace of mind and protection for your creative endeavors. For those who don't know, a copyright is a form of legal protection offered by the U.S. Constitution for original works created in a "tangible medium” of expression.

In layman's terms, copyrights cover any intellectual property that is an original work of authorship like a book, musical, play, song, poetry, movie, computer software architecture, and more. No matter what kind of creator you are (singer, painter, poet, web designer), you can get your work protected.

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Copyright Registration Service FAQ

Registering a copyright is one way to protect intellectual property. If you've invested your time and effort into creating something, you want to make sure that no one else can claim it as their own - and that's accomplished through copyright registration.
That's a great question! If your intellectual property is an "expression of an idea", you'll need a copyright. On the other hand, trademarks are used to show ownership of brands, slogans, or services, while patents apply for how an innovation looks or works.
Almost any kind of creation is eligible for copyright registration. Some of the commonly-copyrighted creative works include digital content like databases or websites, literary works such as poetry and short stories, photographs, and illustrations, and so forth.
There's quite a bit of paperwork required for copyright registration. Copyright services take out the guesswork by walking you through each step of the process. You'll have to answer questions about your creative work, and when your application is complete it'll need to be submitted to the US Copyright Office.
Not necessarily. You'll pay a standard fee to the US Copyright Office - usually from $45 to $65 per registered work. Any other fees depend on the copyright service you select; these typically cost anywhere from $9.95 per month for ongoing services to $99-$114 as a one-time fee.
Getting the paperwork completed and submitted can often be done in a single business day. As soon as your registration is received by the US Copyright Office, it goes into effect. But, it can often take up to a year to actually get your certificate in the mail!
Yes, most of them take the guesswork out of copyright registration, saving you time and giving you the reassurance that you've done everything correctly. However, it's always a good idea to look into the reputation of the copyright registration service you're considering: client feedback and/or the service's BBB rating may offer that perspective.
Sometimes. If any fees have already been paid on your behalf, you probably won't get those back no matter how dissatisfied you are. But, the best copyright services offer satisfaction guarantees that may include another filing of your paperwork or a refund of any fees you paid for the service itself.
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Continued from above...

The only things not covered by copyright law are facts, ideas, systems, or methods of operation. As long as your creation is tangible in some way (yes, music counts as tangible even though it's sound), it can be registered as intellectual property for a copyright. But what are the benefits?

Your work is technically "copyrighted” from the moment you create it. However, this is just an informal copyright and won't stand up in a court of law. If you want legal protection against your work getting stolen or protections against infringement or misuse of your work, you'll need to get a copyright registration. Registered works are eligible for statutory damages and attorney's fees being covered if you need to take something to litigation. In short, copyrights give you legal protections and if you need to go after another person or entity for stealing your work, you'll need to be properly registered to make the lawsuit stick.

Further, copyrights protect your work from misuse or use by others without your permission (someone can't take your book and turn it into a movie without facing legal trouble) if your book is copyrighted. Your copyright will last for your entire lifetime and an additional 70 years past that, so the managers of your estate will handle permissions related to your work's use. You won't have to register more than once for a single work. That way you can focus on your next big creation once you've got your copyright taken care of.

If you're ready to register your work with the US Electronic Copyright Office (ECO) or Library of Congress, but you're not sure how to finish the process or fill out the paperwork, don't worry - there are tons of services out there to help. To help you get started, we've put together a list of factors to help you narrow down your options. Here's what we found:

  • Cost. Copyright registration services can be pricey, as they go through the legal necessities for you. Make sure that you balance features with price so that you're getting a good deal. Services that include filing fees are extra helpful.
  • Total package. Does your chosen copyright registration service complete the application submission for you? Do they give you a legal review to make sure the copyright is likely to succeed? Make sure you get all the bells and whistles you want with as little stress on your part as possible.
  • Guarantees. Check your favorite copyright registration services for a satisfaction or success guarantee. Some services offer money-back guarantees if your registration doesn't go through. You'll want to pick a service that stands behind its work.
  • Reputation. Check out the reputations of copyright registration services on third-party review sites or the Better Business Bureau. See how other creators just like you succeeded in copyrighting their works (or not in some cases) to know which services to choose or avoid.

To help you get your most recent work protected under copyright law, Top Consumer Reviews has reviewed and ranked the top copyright registration services online today. This way, you can take the stress (and uncertainties) out of the legal process, and enjoy creating your music, novels, art, and architecture with the security that your work is protected. Happy copyrighting!

Compare Copyright Registration Services

Select any 2 Copyright Registration Services to compare them head to head

  • LegalZoom
  • Rocket Lawyer
  • My Corporation
  • The Trademark Company
  • Copyright Registration
  • Copyright Registration Service
  • Copyrighted
  • Trademark Engine
  • Trademark Elite
  • Copyright Application Online
LegalZoom vs Rocket Lawyer LegalZoom vs My Corporation LegalZoom vs The Trademark Company LegalZoom vs Copyright Registration LegalZoom vs Copyright Registration Service LegalZoom vs Copyrighted LegalZoom vs Trademark Engine LegalZoom vs Trademark Elite LegalZoom vs Copyright Application Online Rocket Lawyer vs My Corporation Rocket Lawyer vs The Trademark Company Rocket Lawyer vs Copyright Registration Rocket Lawyer vs Copyright Registration Service Rocket Lawyer vs Copyrighted Rocket Lawyer vs Trademark Engine Rocket Lawyer vs Trademark Elite Rocket Lawyer vs Copyright Application Online My Corporation vs The Trademark Company My Corporation vs Copyright Registration My Corporation vs Copyright Registration Service My Corporation vs Copyrighted My Corporation vs Trademark Engine My Corporation vs Trademark Elite My Corporation vs Copyright Application Online The Trademark Company vs Copyright Registration The Trademark Company vs Copyright Registration Service The Trademark Company vs Copyrighted The Trademark Company vs Trademark Engine The Trademark Company vs Trademark Elite The Trademark Company vs Copyright Application Online Copyright Registration vs Copyright Registration Service Copyright Registration vs Copyrighted Copyright Registration vs Trademark Engine Copyright Registration vs Trademark Elite Copyright Registration vs Copyright Application Online Copyright Registration Service vs Copyrighted Copyright Registration Service vs Trademark Engine Copyright Registration Service vs Trademark Elite Copyright Registration Service vs Copyright Application Online Copyrighted vs Trademark Engine Copyrighted vs Trademark Elite Copyrighted vs Copyright Application Online Trademark Engine vs Trademark Elite Trademark Engine vs Copyright Application Online Trademark Elite vs Copyright Application Online
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