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Wednesday, December 11th
Find Legal Forms is a smorgasbord of helpful legal forms and features. Included in the numerous legal features on the site is the process of creating a Living Will. Find Legal Forms offers a wide array of personal and business forms, including bankruptcy, divorce, name change, real estate, bills of sale, employment, rentals, notices, and more. The platform was established in 2001 by two California attorneys who hoped to create affordable access to frequently used forms. The forms provided by Find Legal Forms are attorney-prepared and consistently updated to include evolving state laws.
Quick and easy form downloads
Getting started at Find Legal Forms is simple. All you have to do to find the forms you need is to use the handy search bar. This offers suggestions based on the kind of forms you're searching for, so you can find an exact match. Once you find the Living Will form, select your state and pay a small fee to download the forms you want. Upon processing payment, you'll gain immediate access to the forms through a "Thank You" page, featuring download links. The best part? You can utilize forms multiple times for personal or business purposes, as long as you don't sell or redistribute them to others. The only downside is attorney review after creating your document isn't included in the purchase.
Single-purchase and bundles
Find Legal Forms offers Living Will forms at a budget-friendly cost of $6.99 which includes a free eSignature feature, so you can quickly sign your forms online without the need for printing. As an added benefit, Find Legal Forms offers "combo packages," which are deals on forms related to your selected document. For instance, alongside a Living Will form, you can bundle a Health Care Forms Combo package starting at $39.95. This bundle includes forms related to organ donation, a Living Will, and health care power of attorney, so you can cover all your bases in one go. If you're expecting to need ongoing access to legal documents, Find Legal Forms has a $4.99/month subscription available at checkout. But for most customers, single-purchase is all you'll need.
User-friendly site with detailed FAQs
While there aren't as many on-site legal resources here as with some competitors, Find Legal Forms' FAQ page has detailed descriptions on how to use, download, and sign the documents. Further, these details are offered on each document's listing page, so you can feel confident in what you're downloading. User-friendliness is one of the major perks of Find Legal Forms.
60-day money-back guarantee
Find Legal Forms has an impressive policy for customer support. The company offers a 100% money-back guarantee on all its forms. If you are dissatisfied with your Living Will documents or any other purchased form, Find Legal Forms offers a 60-day window to request a full refund.
Customers love the user-friendliness
Find Legal Forms holds an "A+" rating with the Better Business Bureau. Plus, the platform avoids red flags associated with customer dissatisfaction, dubious subscriptions, or outdated legal forms. On trusted third-party review sites like Trustpilot, Find Legal Forms has an impressive 4.3-star average out of 5 stars. According to reviewers, Find Legal Forms is extremely easy to use, and most customers love the fact that there are no long-term commitments. Further, customers praised the quality of the documents and effectiveness in most, if not all, states.
Solid low-cost option
Although there is no provision for attorney review after creating a Living Will, Find Legal Forms stands out as a commendable choice for online Living Will creation, especially for those who don't need that extra layer of professional attention. If you're looking for a straightforward single purchase service and a user-friendly fill-out and signing process, Find Legal Forms is a solid choice overall. The prices are highly competitive and since all the documents are specialized by state, you can be sure the information is accurate and up to date for your area. With all this considered, Find Legal Forms earns a high rating in our review.
We've all heard of a Will before, but what about a Living Will? This document is a specific legal option that addresses a particular phase of life - when you're approaching the end. If faced with a terminal illness or irreversible coma, decisions regarding life-sustaining or life-ending procedures may become necessary.
The purpose of a Living Will is to establish a premeditated plan, enabling you to make decisions about the preservation of your life if incapacitated. Alternatively, a Living Will also allows you to designate someone to make medical decisions on your behalf (medical power of attorney). And in recent years, online services that can help you create a Living Will have surged in popularity.
While you can create a Living Will at any point in your life, it is advisable to create one while of sound mind, without a life-threatening situation in the background. So for many, it can be something you prepare years and years in advance with no real need for the document anytime in the near future. This proactive step provides both you and your loved ones peace of mind in case of an unforeseen emergency, where emotions run high, and life takes an unexpected turn.
Contemplating these matters might not be the most enjoyable task, and if you're just getting started, the process can seem very complex. This is one of the reasons not everyone has a Living Will. But with so many online platforms making it quick and easy to put together, you can now find an affordable way to put together all of the documents you might need for end-of-life concerns. Plus, with these online services, you don't need to find a local lawyer to help you through the process. Legal help is usually included in the fees.
Modern sites have made it possible to create a Living Will from the comfort of your own home. An online Living Will service guides you through a systematic process, prompting you to provide the necessary information to cover all aspects of the Living Will comprehensively. The process aims to instill confidence in creating your Living Will, ensuring no critical steps are overlooked. Some providers even offer round-the-clock customer service to address any questions that may arise as well as appointments with and reviews by professional lawyers.
Even with the ease of online creation for Living Wills, there are a lot of options out there. While exploring the array of online Living Will services, consider these crucial aspects to help you narrow down what you need:
With something as important as life and medical decisions, you don't want to leave it up to chance. To help keep the future low-stress for you or your family members, Top Consumer Reviews has evaluated and ranked the best online legal services to assist you in creating a Living Will. It's our goal to help provide the peace of mind you need as you undertake this important task!
Select any 2 Living Will Services to compare them head to head