Sunday, February 9th
Tips for Traveling with Luggage
When it comes to air travel, everyone worries about how their checked luggage is being handled and whether or not it will become lost. If this sounds familiar, you will be glad to know that there are a number of ways to help your luggage to find its way back to you upon arrival at your destination.
- Print or type your name, address, phone number and destination legibly on both the outside and inside of each piece of luggage. A luggage tag is required, but placing your contact information on the interior of your luggage will help in the event that the outside tag becomes detached.
- Do not place important possessions, such as money, medication, jewelry, cameras, credit cards, travel documents and other valuable items in checked luggage. Instead, make sure that everything is packed in your carry-on bag and remains with you at all times. In addition, fragile items should not be packed in checked luggage as they could easily become damaged.
- If you are traveling with gifts, do not wrap them. Because baggage is subject to inspection, having wrapped gifts will only delay the process.
- When traveling by air, pack as lightly as possible. You should take one carry-on bag that will fit below the seat in front of you. Most airlines allow for two bags to be checked free of charge. After that, an excessive baggage fee may be charged.
- Before arriving at the airport, make sure that you have checked to make sure that your luggage meets both the size and weight restrictions imposed by the airlines. The best way to ensure this is by calling ahead or visiting the airline's website for additional information on luggage requirements.
- When deciding what type of luggage to use, take a moment to consider whether or not you will be checking it with the airlines. Checked luggage should be sturdy and should never be bulging, damaged or not completely closed.
- If your current luggage is old or showing wear, you may want to consider purchasing a new suitcase or other matching accessories that will be better equipped to handle the airline's checking process. Luggage that is damaged from excessive use or features a damaged zipper should not be checked. Instead, packing lighter or upgrading to a new and improved luggage set may be the answer.
- When shopping for luggage, make sure that you choose that which best conforms to your lifestyle. There is a big difference between leisurely travel and regular business travel and your luggage must be chosen accordingly. If you are an occasional traveler, you may prefer to have a high quality luggage set that is designed for recreational use. If you travel regularly for business, you will need to purchase luggage
that will withstand excessive use and features a generous warranty.
When it comes to travel, luggage is a crucial accessory. It is important to know what to buy and how to prepare your bags for a safe and happy journey. There is nothing worse than having to deal with the stress of lost or damaged luggage and, by following the aforementioned guidelines, you will help to minimize that possibility.