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The Best Trademark Registration Services

Which Trademark Registration Service is the Best?

Before embarking on the journey of registering a trademark, you should be sure that's the service you actually need to protect your intellectual property. Unlike a copyright (used to protect a creative work like a book or song) or a patent (used to protect the design or function of an invention), a trademark is used to secure your brand. That could include your company name, your logo, your slogan, or even a font (think of the iconic Disney font, for example).

Once you've determined that yes, a trademark is what you'll need, it's time to make sure that no one else has already reserved it. While you may be able to do a cursory search using free tools online, it's a wise idea to work with a trademark registration service. Not only do such companies have access to a wider range of databases not typically available to individuals, but they can also help you file your trademark application in a way that avoids some of the pitfalls that can cause delays or result in a rejection.

Saturday, September 14th

2024 Trademark Registration Service Reviews

Top Consumer Reviews Best-In-Class Blue Ribbon Award Trademark Center Review 5 Star Rating

Trademark Center

5 Star Rating
  • Trademark filing priced at $300 for standard and $495 for premium packages
  • Trademark search and filings watch available for an extra fee
  • Free phone consultation available upon request
  • 100% satisfaction guarantee
  • "A+” rated and accredited by the BBB
  • In business since 1995
Top Consumer Reviews Best-In-Class Blue Ribbon Award

Trademark Center has been in business since 1995 as a service of Patel & Almeida, P.C. The company started out as a trademark search specialist and soon branched out into filing services. More than 20,000 research reports have been compiled by Trademark Center's team of full-time researchers, with 6000+ trademark applications filed. And, the company has been rated as a top US attorney by Trademark Insider, as well as being among the top 10 US law firms named by World Trademark Review..

Free consultation

You can get a complimentary consultation before signing up for any services at Trademark Center. Just complete the request form on the website and a representative will reach out to you.

Two packages for trademark registration

There are two service you can access through Trademark Center. When it comes to trademark registration, you'll choose between the Standard and Premium packages.

  • The Standard package is priced at $300 and it includes a federal direct hit search, drafting and filing of your trademark application, six months of quarterly federal watch services, calendaring and docketing for the lifetime of your trademark, consultation with a trademark attorney, response to any non-substantive office actions, and notification of any USPTO inquiries or office actions.
  • The Premium package costs $495 and gives you a year of quarterly federal watch services, plus a comprehensive search of federal, state, and common law with a legal opinion. In our book, that's well worth the extra $195.

Many options for standalone searches

If you just want to pay for trademark search, you can opt for a comprehensive full availability search that includes all registered, pending, expired, canceled and abandoned trademarks and service marks, state trademarks, common law (like US Business Directory and Directory of Corporate Affiliations), and company names. This service is priced at $295. Expand your search into Canada for an extra $100, and/or conduct a comprehensive search within the European Union for $450. You can also pay for a design search specific to logos ($400).

Best Trademark Registration Services

Trademark watch services more affordable than most

Trademark watch is the third overall service offered here. You can opt to get US federal monthly reports for $150/year, federal and state for $200/year, or worldwide monthly reports for $300/year. This pricing is much less expensive than most of Trademark Center's competitors, who typically only offer reports on a quarterly basis.

Experts in trademark litigation

Another advantage to working with Trademark Center is their extensive experience representing clients (both plaintiffs and defendants) in US federal courts and before the Trademark Trial and Appeal Board. If something goes amiss with your trademark, you know you've got a knowledgeable, experienced team in your corner already.

Sterling reputation

Trademark Center has a phenomenal reputation for service. The Better Business Bureau gives the company its highest accolades: an "A+” rating and accreditation, with zero complaints filed there.

#1 for trademark services

Trademark Center is everything you could want in a registration service, from preliminary searches to monitoring after the fact. You'll get the absolute most for your money here, from a team of experienced attorneys that specialize in intellectual property law. We're pleased to give Trademark Center our highest recommendation as our first-place winner among trademark registration services.

Trademark Elite Review 4.5 Star Rating

Trademark Elite

4.5 Star Rating
  • Priced at $299 (Elite) and $598 (Comprehensive), plus govt. fees
  • Additional services available
  • Attorney-directed trademark registration
  • See all daily filed trademarks
  • "A+” rated and accredited by the BBB

The legal team at Trademark Elite has done it all, from helping first-time entrepreneurs to large corporations across a wide variety of intellectual property issues. Their straightforward services include attorney-guided support as you work through the trademark registration process.

Two trademark registration packages

Trademark Elite offers two packages you can choose from.

  • The Basic Elite package is priced at $299. With this package, you get the following features:
    • Service from a licensed attorney
    • Trademark search
    • Class recommendation
    • Opposition monitoring
    • Attorney review and preparation of your application
  • The Comprehensive package runs $598. This includes everything you get in the Basic Elite package, plus the following:
    • More detailed trademark search
    • Copy of the search report
    • Free search for a second mark if your first choice appears problematic
    • Priority processing of your application
    • 20-minute lawyer consultation

Extra services available

If you need extra trademark services, you'll find them available in an a la carte menu at the top of the site. For example, you can pay $299 and get two years of trademark monitoring, trademark registration internationally, or a standalone comprehensive trademark search for $299.

Best Trademark Registration Services

Check out the most recent trademarks filed here

We love seeing all of the live trademark registrations on the Trademark Elite site. Take a look and boost your confidence that this is a great service to use to get your application approved with no issues.

Almost 100% client approval rating

The Better Business Bureau gives Trademark Elite a flawless "A+” rating and accreditation (under the name of The Ideas Law Firm, its parent company). And, when you look at this service's reputation beyond the BBB, you'll see that more than 97% of its clients rate it with four or five stars. Customers praise the attention to detail and excellence in customer service, saying it's an amazing value for the money spent.

Excellent choice for trademark registration

Trademark Elite is a fantastic place to get started on your registration. You'll get the benefit of working with a company that specializes in trademarks, with all the support and knowledge needed to get your application filed and with maximum chances of being approved. Trademark Elite is one of our preferred registration services.

The Trademark Firm Review 4 Star Rating

The Trademark Firm

4 Star Rating
  • $775 flat fee for comprehensive research and trademark application filing (plus govt. fees)
  • Trademark monitoring available for $390/year
  • Company specializes in protection of intellectual property

The Trademark Firm is part of the Dawsey Co. LPA, a law firm specializing in intellectual property protection. Based in Ohio and headed by David Dawsey, this trademark registration service is an excellent option if you want to know you're working with a team of experts.

One flat fee includes everything

You might be a little confused at first, when you look at the package offered by The Trademark Firm: it's described as a "comprehensive trademark search”. Where's the application part? Don't worry, it's included. You'll pay a $775 flat fee (plus applicable government fees), and that's it.

What do you get?

For that cost, you'll get a comprehensive trademark search of federal, state, common law, and domain name databases. The Trademark Firm's attorneys will prepare a search opinion letter within four business days - guaranteed, or your search is free. Once they've determined that you have a trademark with a favorable opinion (it's likely to be accepted), your application will be prepared and filed with the USPTO.

Best Trademark Registration Services

Monitoring service also available

Once your trademark has been accepted, you can opt into The Trademark Firm's monitoring services. Priced at $390/year, you'll get monitoring of new USPTO filings and filings in all 50 states, quarterly email updates with the results of a comprehensive search, and notification of any renewal or maintenance filings due.

Great reputation

We had to jump over to the main website for Dawsey Co. LPA to get client feedback for this company (and, in the future, we'd love to see The Trademark Firm's website include such testimonials as well). There, we found specific trademarks that were approved through this service - and there are many. Clients praise David and his team for being readily available, knowledgeable, and, most importantly, effective at researching and registering trademarks. You can also see detailed bios of the staff there, including the office dog, Red.

Knowledgeable team for your trademark registration

Using The Trademark Firm gives you access to intellectual property protection experts, all for one flat fee. We're confident that David Dawsey and his team will be thorough and efficient in helping you get your trademark application completed and your mark registered with the USPTO. If you like the idea of knowing exactly who you'll be working with and at what cost, we strongly recommend taking a look at The Trademark Firm.

TradeMark Express Review 4 Star Rating

TradeMark Express

4 Star Rating
  • Pricing starts at $400 for trademark application preparation and filing
  • Free initial consultation
  • In business since 1992
  • Over 75,000 trademarks executed
  • Searches over 6,500 databases to make sure your trademark is clear
  • Services include 15 minutes with a network attorney

When you first land on the TradeMark Express site, you might think it's a fly-by-night operation. If you can get past that initial impression, you'll find a trademark registration service that has been in business for over 30 years and that offers personalized, professional attention you might not get with other online options.

Get a free phone or zoom consultation

To start, TradeMark Express gives you a free initial conversation via phone or Zoom, your choice. Prior to that, there are several helpful explainer videos you can watch on the TME site, if you'd like a preview of what to expect during the process. Your consultation will give you an idea of which services match your needs and how your trademark registration will move forward.

Not the easiest website to navigate

We recommend taking both of those steps, because trying to sort out what you need on your own can be tricky here. Do you need the $400 trademark application preparation and filing service? The $400 start-up package with comprehensive research and analysis? Urgent service for $1000? You could try to make that call by yourself, but why not take advantage of your free consultation instead?

Full-service plan with a one-time fee

The majority of TradeMark Express' clients will likely wind up choosing the $700 premium package (which can also be paid in two installments of $375, for a total of $750). This tier of service includes comprehensive research (federal, state, common law) to make sure your desired trademark isn't already in use, analysis by an expert attorney, and trademark monitoring for a full year once yours has been registered.

Best Trademark Registration Services

Need an alternative name?

One nice perk included with most of TradeMark Express' registration services is replacement naming: if their research shows that your desired trademark is legally blocked, their partner Name-It will give you 10 alternative new names.

Clients love this service

In the past, TradeMark Express had an "A+” rating and accreditation from the Better Business Bureau. At the time of our most recent visit to the BBB site, it said that "this business profile is being updated”. Fortunately, the company still has hundreds of five-star reviews elsewhere, some left as recently as the week of our evaluation. And, that's where TradeMark Express really shines. Clients say they've worked with this company for years and always received excellent support and service. The process is made crystal clear, trademark registrations are done in a timely, accurate fashion, and the attention to detail is second to none.

Solid choice for trademark services

We've given TradeMark Express a half-star bump in our ratings since our last evaluation: we're impressed with the free consultation and the almost flawless feedback from their clients. Yes, you will probably pay more for the services offered here, but if you're the type of person who needs some extra reassurance and guidance, the trademark registration packages through TradeMark Express will be well worth it.

Legal Zoom Review 3.5 Star Rating

Legal Zoom

3.5 Star Rating
  • Trademark registration service priced at $599 plus federal fees
  • 60-day satisfaction guarantee
  • "A+” rated and accredited by the BBB
  • In business since 2001

LegalZoom wants it to be affordable and easy for the average American consumer to get legal help, from drafting wills to incorporating a business. Their trademark registration service has been used by more than 300,000 clients since LegalZoom's start in 2001.

One-time fee of $599

It's simple to register a trademark using LegalZoom's service. Fill out a simple series of questions on their website about the mark you want to register. Pay your one-time fee of $599, and a LZ-affiliated attorney will research it and report back. Once you're satisfied with that report and the likelihood of a successful trademark registration, your application will be completed and filed electronically with the USPTO. That's all there is to it.

Less-than-comprehensive overall satisfaction guarantee

LegalZoom has a 100% satisfaction guarantee in the first 60 days. However, that's not a guarantee that your trademark registration application will be accepted by the USPTO (especially since it can take 6+ months to receive a decision on your filing). What does it mean, then? LZ will refund their fees for any issues that they're "directly responsible for”, like a typo or a piece of missing paperwork. But, if you sign up for their trademark registration service and change your mind, don't expect to qualify for a refund.

Best Trademark Registration Services

Good trademark-specific guarantee

That being said, LegalZoom does offer a guarantee specific to trademarks. First, if you sign up for their registration service and your assigned attorney thinks you're going to have an issue with the mark you want to protect, you'll get a free trademark search for a second, alternate trademark. Also, if your trademark gets rejected, they'll cover their $599 fee to let you register a new one.

May be difficult to use

However, we weren't impressed with our most recent experience with LegalZoom. The amount of information telling what clients to expect isn't very thorough, so we turned to their live chat to get more details. In the live chat, an agent signed on and then right off - and no one ever came back. We hoped to ask what's included in the trademark search - is it just federal, federal and state, and so forth - but that went unanswered. (And then the chat completely disappeared, despite being posted during business hours.)

Good but no longer the best

That's a big part of why LegalZoom has dropped in our rankings, going from best-in-class to just above average. Add that to the fact that the company has an "A-” rating from the Better Business Bureau and over 1,000 complaints over the last three years - not over-the-top for a company with more than four million customers over 20 years, but still a factor - and we couldn't help but drop our rating for LegalZoom's trademark registration services. Although you could be the next client among the 320,000+ who have used LegalZoom for trademark application services, you should probably check out LZ's rivals who have scored a little higher with respect to transparency and customer service.

Trademark Factory Review 3.5 Star Rating

Trademark Factory

3.5 Star Rating
  • Pricing ranges from $1,495 to $4,995, depending on the selected package (plus required govt. fees)
  • Money-back guarantees on two plans
  • Free phone consultation
  • "A+” rated by the BBB

Trademark Factory seeks to "help growth-minded entrepreneurs build amazing brands”, specifically by protecting those brands through trademarking services. Over the 9+ years the company has been in business, they've filed over 3,000 trademarks at an incredible success rate of 99.3%

Take advantage of the free consultation first

We recommend that you start your trademark registration journey with a free call. You'll enter a few key details about what you're trying to protect and where you're at in the process, along with your contact information and preferred day and time for your consultation. A specialist with Trademark Factory will reach out and make a recommendation for how you should proceed.

Extremely costly

You should know upfront that this is going to be the most expensive trademark registration service you've researched, short of hiring a legal firm in your local area. Trademark Factory tells you that straight up: "if all you're looking for is the lowest price to get your trademarks filed, you're searching for the wrong thing, and we're probably not the right fit.” Brace yourself, because here's what you'll pay:

  • I Feel Lucky: this somewhat oddly-named package gives you a comprehensive trademark search with registrability opinion, one response to a non-substantive office action, and ultimately the filing of your trademark registration application by an experienced attorney or trademark agent. Given that you'll be paying $1,495, why is it called "I Feel Lucky”? That's because you'll get fewer protections than with the other two plans and thus take a chance.
  • All-Inclusive: for $2,595, you'll get the features of the first plan, plus unlimited responses to all office actions and two refund guarantees (which we'll describe later).
  • Ultimate: Trademark Factory's top-tier service is priced at $4,995 and gives you even more features. This package includes defense of your trademark in opposition proceedings and is a good option if you think your brand's registration might prove to be complicated.
Best Trademark Registration Services

Two refund policies

But before you write this service off on cost alone, consider that Trademark Factory offers two amazing refund policies.

  • First, if they do your trademark search and see any concerns with registering your brand, you can get a full refund with no service fees deducted - or you can have them keep doing additional trademark searches at no cost until you come up with one you can register.
  • Second, if Trademark Factory researches your trademark and finds it to be registrable, but it doesn't get approved by the USPTO after filing, you'll get a full refund - no matter how many hours their legal team has already spent on your file or how many office actions they've responded to on your behalf. That's pretty incredible.

Reputation is terrific

We've got zero doubts that you'll get what you pay for if you use Trademark Factory. The Better Business Bureau still gives the company an "A+” rating, with zero complaints registered there - ever. Browse the testimonials on the site and you'll see plenty of feedback from happy clients too. And, with not one but two satisfaction guarantees, this service makes getting your trademark registered a slam dunk.

Best for clients with tricky trademark registrations

But, with fees that are several times higher than every other registration service we reviewed, Trademark Factory is going to be out of range for many prospective customers. If you've got several thousand dollars to spend and you think your trademark might have more than its fair share of complications, you can't go wrong by choosing Trademark Factory. For all other prospective clients, however, one of our higher-ranked services will probably be "good enough” and definitely more affordable.

Trademarkia Review 3.5 Star Rating


3.5 Star Rating
  • Pricing starts at $399 (plus govt. fees)
  • Registration guaranteed with extra insurance fee
  • File in the US or in 180+ countries
  • Search over 8 million trademarks and logos for free
  • Over 200,000 trademarks registered since 2009
  • "A+” rated and accredited by the BBB

Trademarkia is the registered trade name of the law firm LegalForce RAPC Worldwide. In business since 2009, Trademarkia has helped over 120,000 customers to register 200,000+ trademarks. And, their free search engine can help you search over 8 million logos and trademarks worldwide, to ensure that the one you want to register isn't currently in use.

Domestic and international trademark registration

You'll pay $399 plus government fees to register your trademark with Trademarkia's help. The initial application can be completed in just five minutes, and you'll get attorney-led filing with the USPTO. Also, Trademarkia is one of the only sites in our review that makes it extremely easy to register a trademark outside of the US. You'll see all of your country options during the checkout process, along with any corresponding fees. In fact, you can submit your trademark registration for the US and any other required countries all at once.


Be aware that when you check out, you may see an insurance fee tacked on. In our case, it was $199 - and when we clicked on the "minus” button, it disappeared and we couldn't find a way to put it back. That insurance guarantees that your application will be accepted or they'll refund your legal fees - but the fine print at the bottom seems to indicate that they'll actually waive your fees to research a second potential trademark rather than giving you your money back from the first attempt. You may want to reach out to clarify that, if that kind of protection is important to you and is something you're willing to pay extra for.

Best Trademark Registration Services

More details, please

Another area where we feel this trademark registration service comes up a little short is information. What can clients expect from the process? Will they get regular updates from their assigned attorney(s)? There's not a ton of detail prior to signing up as a client.

Great feedback from clients

On the plus side, Trademarkia gets some rave reviews. They're "A+” rated and accredited by the Better Business Bureau, and the thousands of positive reviews referenced on the site are absolutely legitimate. So, even though Trademarkia doesn't do the best job of telling you what to expect beforehand, at least it seems that they deliver quite successfully once you're a client.

Room to improve but good overall

Trademarkia has a bit of room to grow when it comes to convincing prospective clients to sign up with them instead of with one of their rivals in the trademark registration industry. More information upfront, please. However, anyone can use their free database to search for possible competing trademarks, and it looks like most Trademarkia clients are very satisfied with the service they receive.

Rocket Lawyer Review 3 Star Rating

Rocket Lawyer

3 Star Rating
  • Priced at $699.99 for non-members (plus govt. fees)
  • Premium members ($39.99/month) save 50%
  • Free trial on monthly membership (7 days)
  • "A+” rated and accredited by the BBB
  • In business since 2008

You've probably heard of Rocket Lawyer as a good option for DIY legal help, since the company has been around since 2008 and used by over 25 million people for a variety of reasons. In the past, Rocket Lawyer's trademark registration was a little too "figure it out yourself” for our liking, so we were pleased to see that they've changed their model to include working directly with an attorney.

Member or not?

That restructuring greatly simplifies things here: you don't have to browse a long list of confusing services and add-ons to get trademark registration. Instead, the only decision you have to make is whether or not you want to sign up as a Rocket Lawyer member ($39.99/month) to bring your one-time fee down from $699.99 to $349.99. That membership comes with a one-week free trial, and you can see what other legal services might be helpful to you - for your business or personal use.

Same process as a member or non-member

Either way, Rocket Lawyer's trademark registration process is the same. Once you sign up on the RL site, you'll get a legal services agreement within two business days. Next, you'll be matched with a trademark lawyer for a consultation, determining how to file your trademark for the best chance of approval. From there, your attorney will do a federal and state search to see if any trademarks conflict with the one you hope to register, then draft and file your application. Expect a timeframe of 1-2 weeks from the time you check out on the Rocket Lawyer site to the date it'll be filed with the USPTO.

Best Trademark Registration Services

Not much service afterwards

After that point, though, you'll get no support from your Rocket Lawyer network attorney unless you pay more. And, there's no guarantee that your application will be accepted, or any recourse if it gets rejected due to an error. If you're paying $349.99 for this trademark registration service, that's roughly on par with rival providers - but not so much if you're spending nearly $700.

Good reputation in general

Reputation-wise, Rocket Lawyer enjoys a good overall track record. The Better Business Bureau gives them an "A+” rating and accreditation, and over 90% of clients rate them with four or five stars. Those who use Rocket Lawyer for many different legal situations say they get a lot for their money, and even people who only sign up for the 7-day free trial report that it's no problem to cancel before they're charged a monthly subscription fee. Complaints are infrequent, and they almost always come from people who didn't read the details carefully enough to realize they would be charged monthly if they didn't cancel within seven days.

Check out other services first

However, despite making this service more hands-on than in the past, it's still not one of our preferred options for trademark registration. Trademarking is definitely not a specialty here, and you'll be at the mercy of the expertise of the lawyer you're matched with - and you'll have no idea in advance who that person is, their experience, and so forth. Especially since you'll be paying extra for any one-on-one services you'll need later, you're not getting as much for your money compared with some of Rocket Lawyer's competitors. You might want to keep Rocket Lawyer's trademark registration service as a backup plan if you don't find what you need with a higher-ranked option.

Trademark Engine Review 2 Star Rating

Trademark Engine

2 Star Rating
  • Trademark searches start at $149
  • Trademark registration starts at $99 (plus govt. fees)
  • Quarterly trademark monitoring starts at $99

Trademark Engine wants to help small businesses, entrepreneurs, and creatives to protect their brand identity. Their range of trademark services includes not just the registration itself, but also searches beforehand and monitoring afterwards.

3 Trademark Search packages to choose from...

Let's take a look at those three services in depth. Before you register your new trademark, you might want to invest in a search to make sure yours isn't already in use. Trademark Engine offers 3 search services for you to choose from.

  • For $149, Trademark Engine will conduct a federal and state search for any similar names, logos, or slogans that are pending or already registered with the USPTO. You'll get a detailed online report that identifies any matches.
  • For $299, you'll get the federal/state search plus corporate names and directories, common law, and top-level domain names.
  • Finally, for $499, you'll get all the services of the first two packages plus a global search that includes the European community and the World Intellectual Property Organization.

...and 3 Trademark Registration packages to choose from

Once you're ready to register your trademark (with or without conducting a search beforehand), you've got three Registration packages to choose from:

  • Basic ($99): this includes a direct-hit search of the USPTO database for exact matches, professional preparation of your application, federal e-filing of your application with the USPTO (which means you'll qualify for the reduced government filing fees), and one month of trademark monitoring.
  • Standard ($149): in addition to the benefits of the Basic package, this tier includes a cease and desist letter and a transfer and assignment letter.
  • Deluxe ($199): Trademark Engine's top level of service gives you all of the features of Basic and Deluxe. You'll also get 24-hour expedited processing (compared with five business days on the other two plans) and keeping your phone number and email address out of the public record through the USPTO online database.
Best Trademark Registration Services

Monitoring service renews automatically

Your free month of trademark monitoring will automatically renew for $99/quarter if you don't cancel it prior to the end of the promotional period. That service includes systematic monitoring of similar trademarks and monthly customized reports.

Disappointing reputation

Sounds pretty good so far, right? Unfortunately, Trademark Engine's reputation doesn't match its first impressions. The Better Business Bureau gives this company an "F” rating, with 37 complaints filed over the last three years and zero response from Trademark Engine on fully a third of those.

Custom billing issues as well

And, despite having hundreds of five-star reviews from clients who say they received excellent support, this trademark registration service doesn't seem to have its act together with respect to billing. Negative reviews and BBB complaints frequently mention getting charged after canceling a service, extra fees tacked on after credit card information has been provided, and packages that "start at” a certain amount but that triple (or more) as clients walk through the process. This is hardly the "friendly, caring, and efficient” service that Trademark Engine promises.

Not recommended

While some clients have used Trademark Engine for their registration and had no issues, there are too many whose experience has been the opposite. Between the negative reviews and the "F” from the Better Business Bureau, this service has a long way to go before it earns our recommendation. We think you should avoid using Trademark Engine and choose a higher-ranked trademark registration provider instead.

Trademark Plus Review 1 Star Rating

Trademark Plus

1 Star Rating
  • Trademark registration service priced at $199 (standard) or $399 (attorney-led)
  • Trademark search packages are priced from $99 to $499
  • In business for 20+ years

Trademark Plus has made some changes since our last evaluation. However, you'll soon see that these changes have made no difference in this service's rock-bottom ranking among trademark registration options.

Standard or Attorney-led?

There are two packages for trademark registration here: Standard for $199 and Attorney-led for $399. With the first package, you'll answer a few questions online and get a prepared draft of your application. Your service comes with an in-depth federal trademark search and electronic filing with the USPTO. The attorney package gives you a professional review of your application and search results with a phone consultation. Neither package includes the federal filing fees required to submit your application.

Trademark search for an additional fee

Be aware that you'll have to pay extra if you want to conduct a trademark search prior to filing your application. Trademark Plus offers the service starting at $99 for a basic federal search and going all the way up to $499 to do a comprehensive US and global search.

Self help platform

Despite offering affordable trademark registration services, Trademark Plus is very clear that they are strictly a self-help type of platform. In fact, if you look at the fine print at the bottom of the site, it says that they "cannot provide any kind of advice or explanation about your possible legal rights, defenses, strategies or remedies” and that you'll need to contact a competent professional if you require legal advice.

Best Trademark Registration Services

Confusing services

That's a big difference compared with most of the options we reviewed, who ensure that your application is reviewed by an attorney that can answer any questions along the way. We also think that's pretty confusing, considering that one of their packages actually includes working with "an experienced trademark attorney”. Do you offer legal help or not, Trademark Plus?

Horrible reputation

It didn't come as a surprise to us that Trademark Plus still has an "F” rating from the Better Business Bureau. None of the 22 complaints filed with the BBB over the last three years ever got a response from this company, which is inexcusable for any business. Looking elsewhere, we found numerous scathing reviews from clients who describe Trademark Plus as a scam, saying that they had to pay an attorney to actually undo the "work” that this service had supposedly done. We also found it mentioned more than once that this company has changed its name several times, possibly to fly under the radar when it comes to its poor track record.

Where are all the happy clients?

That also makes us wonder if Trademark Plus really has helped the 147,000+ customers with their filings that they proudly proclaim on their site. Where are these 100,000 happy clients they talk about? We couldn't find one, let alone thousands.

Not worth your time

You've got a lot of options for registering your trademark, and it's absolutely true that you'll get what you pay for. With Trademark Plus, you'll pay little - and get nothing of value. This continues to be, with good reason, our lowest-ranked service for trademark registration. Avoid Trademark Plus at all costs.

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Continued from above...

Why bother registering your trademark at all? Can't you just go ahead and start your company, do business as usual, and hope for the best? Maybe, but you could be in for a big legal battle if you accidentally infringe on another business.

And, you'd be out of luck if another individual or company started doing business using your logo, slogan, or company name - because you'd have no proof that it originally belonged to you. For a variety of reasons, it's well worth the time to get your trademark registered and to pay for knowledgeable expertise while doing so.

So, which service should you choose as your partner in trademark registration? There are quite a few out there, and they're not all the same. Keep these factors in mind:

  • Cost. Obviously, you'll need to pick a trademark registration service you can afford. While most fall in the $300-$700 range, there are a few that go up to $5000 and beyond, once you tack on all of the available services.
  • Value. What do you actually get for what you spend? A more costly service could be worth it if it includes a more comprehensive database search, consultations on demand with an attorney, and so forth.
  • Expertise. How many trademark registrations has the service completed? How long has the company been in the industry? Will you be working with licensed attorneys?
  • Reputation. What do other clients say about their experience? Did their trademark application get approved? Was the service in their corner if and when problems came up?

To help you protect your trademark, TopConsumerReviews.com has evaluated and ranked the best registration services available today. We're confident that this information will make it easy to get your trademark registered affordably and accurately!

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Trademark Registration Service FAQ

Intellectual property can be protected in several ways, one of which is through trademark registration. Having a trademark helps ensure that your goods, services, brand or slogan can't be used by someone else.
Good question! A trademark is used to demonstrate ownership of a slogan, brand, symbol - one that you use to differentiate your goods and services from other sellers' and providers'. In contrast, patents are used to protect how an innovation works or looks, while copyrights protect creative works like music, movies, or even computer code.
Almost anything used to represent your brand can be protected through trademark registration. Whether you use a tagline to make your company memorable, have a logo emblazoned on your signage and business cards, or use a unique font that you want to keep as your own, it all qualifies as eligible to be registered as a trademark.
It can get complicated to accurately complete all of the paperwork required for trademark registration. Using a service that specializes in this process can save you some time and a considerable amount of worry. The best services walk you through each step, ensuring that your application is filled out properly before it is submitted to the US Patent and Trademark Office.
The US Patent and Trademark Office charges a base fee of $400 or $600, depending on whether you file electronically or on paper. That's in addition to any fees paid to a trademark registration service, which usually range from $99 to over $1900, depending on the level of service you select.
Getting the initial paperwork completed may be done as quickly as one business day. From there, most services offering help with trademark registration will conduct a search to ensure that your trademark doesn't conflict with others that have been registered by other applicants. Once your trademark has been cleared, your application will be sent to the USPTO for registration. From there, it can take several months for your application to be reviewed and approved.
Absolutely. Many of these services have been available for decades. It's a wise choice to use a trademark registration service, to make it less likely that your application will be rejected - which would add even more time to an already-lengthy process. For extra reassurance that the provider you've selected is a reputable one, be sure to consider feedback from previous clients or look for a rating from the Better Business Bureau.
That depends on the service you select. Some offer an error-free guarantee, but only a few will give you a refund on the fees that you paid for their assistance. Also, if the service has already paid the required fees to the USPTO on your behalf, you won't get those funds back.

When You Should Trademark a Product or Service

New business owners are swamped with a variety of legal decisions to make. One of these decisions is knowing whether to obtain a patent or a trademark for their products or services.

While both trademarks and patents are legal distinctions and require registration with the federal government, they are two different things and serve two different purposes.

A patent is designed to protect your product design or concept. It is intended to keep others from copying it and selling it as their own.

A trademark, on the other hand, is useful and crucial when you are in the process of building a brand for your product or service. It serves as legal protection to keep others from trying to infringe on your brand and your business. Furthermore, a trademark is what you use to distinguish your product in the marketplace so that people who have used or heard of your product will end up buying your product instead of the competitor's product.

Trademarks are meant to prevent brand confusion by consumers. Take for example some well-know trademarked brands: Pepsi and Coca Cola. While both products are soft-drinks, they each have a registered trademark. Each logo has its own look, text font, colors. The average consumer will not be confused as to which product is Pepsi and which is Coke. Also, each one has its own flavor and mix. When purchasing either of these products, consumers will expect a certain quality and taste. The consumer trusts that he is purchasing the product from the same company as last time.

The more distinctive, unusual or unique a mark is, the more protectable it is. For example, the generic terms such as "tissues" and "soda" are not unusual enough to be trademarked and protected. These are the common names consumers use when asking for unspecific products rather than brands. However, brands of tissues such as "Kleenex" are protectable.

Legally registering a trademark with an attorney can cost hundreds, or even thousands, of dollars. However, there are dependable companies online that can assist in getting a trademark set up for much less. Be sure to research the law firm or company you intend to work with to make sure they are dependable.

Obtaining a trademark for your product or service will allow you several benefits, including being able to claim legal ownership of your trademark, obtaining registration of the same trademark in foreign countries, and filing with U.S. Customs Service to prevent importation of foreign goods which may infringe on your trademark. It can be crucial to successfully protecting your business or product.

Compare Trademark Registration Services

Select any 2 Trademark Registration Services to compare them head to head

  • Trademark Center
  • Trademark Elite
  • The Trademark Firm
  • TradeMark Express
  • Legal Zoom
  • Trademark Factory
  • Trademarkia
  • Rocket Lawyer
  • Trademark Engine
  • Trademark Plus
Trademark Center vs Trademark Elite Trademark Center vs The Trademark Firm Trademark Center vs TradeMark Express Trademark Center vs Legal Zoom Trademark Center vs Trademark Factory Trademark Center vs Trademarkia Trademark Center vs Rocket Lawyer Trademark Center vs Trademark Engine Trademark Center vs Trademark Plus Trademark Elite vs The Trademark Firm Trademark Elite vs TradeMark Express Trademark Elite vs Legal Zoom Trademark Elite vs Trademark Factory Trademark Elite vs Trademarkia Trademark Elite vs Rocket Lawyer Trademark Elite vs Trademark Engine Trademark Elite vs Trademark Plus The Trademark Firm vs TradeMark Express The Trademark Firm vs Legal Zoom The Trademark Firm vs Trademark Factory The Trademark Firm vs Trademarkia The Trademark Firm vs Rocket Lawyer The Trademark Firm vs Trademark Engine The Trademark Firm vs Trademark Plus TradeMark Express vs Legal Zoom TradeMark Express vs Trademark Factory TradeMark Express vs Trademarkia TradeMark Express vs Rocket Lawyer TradeMark Express vs Trademark Engine TradeMark Express vs Trademark Plus Legal Zoom vs Trademark Factory Legal Zoom vs Trademarkia Legal Zoom vs Rocket Lawyer Legal Zoom vs Trademark Engine Legal Zoom vs Trademark Plus Trademark Factory vs Trademarkia Trademark Factory vs Rocket Lawyer Trademark Factory vs Trademark Engine Trademark Factory vs Trademark Plus Trademarkia vs Rocket Lawyer Trademarkia vs Trademark Engine Trademarkia vs Trademark Plus Rocket Lawyer vs Trademark Engine Rocket Lawyer vs Trademark Plus Trademark Engine vs Trademark Plus
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